literally every anarchist has been saying this for centuries.
whatever your politics, welcome to team 'at least some of the people in the room should be adults, we have nukes floating around ffs'
literally every anarchist has been saying this for centuries.
whatever your politics, welcome to team 'at least some of the people in the room should be adults, we have nukes floating around ffs'
sorry your parents suck; good friends are better anyway.
Autocorrect that's literally incapable of understanding is better at understanding shit than fascists. Their intelligence is literally less than zero.
Miso as in misogyny, misandry, etc. Not as in the delicious fermented paste that makes a lovely soup.
Its 'god(s) exist(s) and can absolutely go fuck itself/themselves, possibly for the following reasons...'
”i am team genocide"
I dunno, can we trust them? Agree tho; people are dying and it needs to stop no matter what we call it, even if there were no larger implications; its fucking pointless and needs to stop.
Why? Why even fucking do this? What do they get? And why is their default ux so aggressively terrible?
Not what laws are for.
Is what guillotines are for.
If you want, say, a boat; its probably less work to build it from scratch than to 'earn' it for the overwhelming majority.
Which is wild: Even with modern tools, economies of scale, and specialized master craftspeople (or more likely; enslaved teenagers halfway across the world chained to a shop bench, similar effect here) its easier to DIY than go through 'society', unless the thing has been made deliberately difficult to DIY-which more and more things, especially repairs and retrofits, are.
It takes more work, more coordination, and orders of magnitude more time to get the government to raise your taxes to half assedly feed the hungry with food that was gonna get thrown away than it does to just find a patch of land nobody's watching and do it yourself from Fucking scratch. Every Fucking time.
All the big decisions, decisions about Commons, and decisions about the future, including habitability of the planet, are being made in what we can all agree is the dumbest fucking way possible, and regardless of our disagreements, 999/1000 random people off the street would find it difficult to make worse ones.
So, communist or individualist, insurrectionist or moderate, what kind of brain dead fucking moron would participate in this on purpose? Would follow the rules of this on purpose?
So, what the fuck is to be done?
P.S. If you say "vote" I swear I'll fucking scream.
At this point just start using a white list.
Or if they actually cared, they could build trains.
youre thinking of ancaps.