[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 5 points 14 hours ago

Yes, sorry. Said that in reverse.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 2 points 23 hours ago

Yes it's figurative. Fortunately I wasn't a baby Mortal Kombat contestant.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

The sober mind should always have authority over the non-sober mind and be able to overwrite it, no?

Public introxication laws come to mind, I think the logic applies. It also explains some of my own thoughts. If the mind with authority puts the mind without authority in charge, what happens is on the mind with the authority.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 25 points 1 day ago

In a world where we think of climate change and national debt as Western worries, Asia's dirtiness is enough of an absolute eco-hazard to warrant its own kind of debt if the rest of us thought the same way.

The same rivers Rama and Krishna bathed in could today kill you, and China has enough air pollution that the smog from Los Angeles blows over from there, more or less the same way sand from the Sahara fertilizes the Amazon.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago

Bold of you to assume my class has only had one.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

Where I live, plastic bags and styrofoam are already rare now. Now we just have to wait for people to realize water is free.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago

My mom's heart.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 11 points 2 days ago

That's elementary, my dear ~~Churchill~~ Watson.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 11 points 2 days ago

It would be wise of them to stop relying on everyone else.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 35 points 2 days ago

People probably wouldn't believe we sold water in plastic water bottles or shopped with disposable plastic bags.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

Rotation is good. It makes sure the food gets bombarded by microwave particles on all sides. If it's on the edge of the turntable, though, the side facing the table would be colder because the microwaves take more effort to hit it, much like how the moon has a dark side because it's tidally locked around the Earth.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 20 points 3 days ago

I remember feeling salty over that one.


Fall and Winter are typically the season for this, but I've noticed more people than usual have taken up interest in what amount to gyms. These very, very expensive gyms, which market themselves as almost exceptional in how they can help you regain yourself. All the while these "miracle body regimes" are advertised everywhere. Suspicious industry much?

Some neighbors of mine were headed there. I remember this because they were about to get into their vehicle, and I asked "the location is right around the corner, you don't want to walk and maybe save transport money" and they responded "no, we're old, we can't do that" before they rode there and gained entry so they can run on the machine, and returned having used their whole wallet due to the journey/destination. Though not as memorable as the fact they came back with a brand of potato chips with the same name as the place they went to. Nothing like feeding into what you're there to fix.

How about you though?

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