[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 26 points 16 hours ago

Reminds me of how the YouTuber Angela Collier detailed once reading Atlas Shrugged and really enjoying it. Wanting to read it blind, she did as little research as possible on the book beforehand, only knowing that the author was made fun of for relying on food stamps leading up to her death. As she worked through the book, it was shaping up to be a masterpiece satire on much the same level of A Modest Proposal.

It was only upon finishing the book and looking through the other reviews on Goodreads that she realized it was not satirical.

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 17 points 1 day ago

With the way things are going, the next generation will have all three!

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 points 3 days ago

Tay? Yeah it did but that was mostly due to a 4chan 'model poisoning' campaign at the time.

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 14 points 4 days ago

Nobody is stopping you from giving free drinks to shirtless men

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 20 points 6 days ago

Absolutely! There are several factors one might use to determine their favorite brand of motor oil. These include:

  • The reliability of products manufactured by the brand.
  • Whether the brand makes a specific type of motor oil the customer regularly needs, such as an unconventional weight which is not commonly available.
  • Whether the brand of motor oil is recommended by the customer's friends and family.
  • Advice the customer is able to determine after seeking advice on the Internet, especially on sites such as Reddit, which are widely trusted as a source of user-generated information on such topics.
  • Putting all of the brands into a list, then selecting one at random to determine the customer's new favorite brand.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 43 points 1 month ago

It doesn't matter what your platform is if it's not communicated effectively to the median voter

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 39 points 8 months ago

Any time a news headline asks a question, the answer is almost always "no"

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 48 points 9 months ago

A "privacy" company acquiring and centralizing various projects to be under its umbrella seems kind of worrisome to me even if it's done with pure intentions.

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 40 points 10 months ago

Imagine a world where combined C-suite salaries were capped at the tax burden a company owes past a certain point. I think that would be incredibly funny to see the conflict of interest at play. Want your accounting/legal department to research tax loopholes to exploit? Sure thing, but it's coming straight out of your paycheck!

Oh, you "had a bad year"? Probably shouldn't be taking home a hundred million dollars then.

Combined with a "top pay can't make more than x times the salary of the lowest paid employee" with the exception being the tax thing, I could see it being a great double bind into making companies either pay their workers more or actually pay their share in taxes.

I know it would basically never happen in the US but a girl can dream

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 42 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

My boyfriend occasionally watches YouTube shorts, mostly for the occasional good joke or cat video. He's told me that the shorts algorithm seemingly goes out of its way to show him Andrew Tate type content as well as general Daily Wire/Shapiro/conservative 'libs owned' clips. More or less, if he doesn't immediately close out the app or swipe to the next short when one of these videos comes up, his shorts feed is quickly dominated by them.

I think the big thing is that these algorithms are often trained on maximizing watch time/app usage, and there's something uniquely attention-catching to a lot of men and boys about the way viral manosphere content is constructed. A random poor setup to a skit is likely to get swiped past, but if the next clip comes swinging out of the gate with "here's how women are destroying the West" there's a certain morbid curiosity that gets some to watch the whole thing (even out of amusement/credulousness), or at least stay on the clip slightly longer than they would otherwise. If one lingers on that content to any degree, the algorithm sees that as a sign that the user wants more of it—or rather, that it would achieve its "more engagement" goals by serving up more of it.

Plus, it's grabbing ideas on what to recommend based on user data and clustered associations. It's very likely to test the waters with stuff it knows worked for others with similar profiles, even if it's a bit of a reach.

Edit: minor sentence structure stuff

submitted 11 months ago by Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I use Firefox whenever I can.

On first install of the browser I usually end up following a hardening guide which includes stuff like blocking cross site cookies, setting a few things in about:config to disable Pocket/etc, and installing uBlock Origin. I've taken what I consider a relatively balanced approach, I don't use anything like noScript, uMatrix, etc that ultimately just cost a lot of time fiddling to get the 10th website of the week working.

I've been more or less fine browsing the web this way for years, but around the start of 2024 I've started seeing way more "Access Denied" pages than I used to. I think part of it is Cloudflare or similar, but I don't know exactly what's changed or what's triggering it to occur.

It usually goes away and I can re access the site in 10-30 minutes as usual, but I've had it occur in really weird instances, such as trying to change my Minecraft skin and getting blocked by the website. The server block often goes away immediately if I switch my user agent, so I know that it has something to do with how I've got everything set up.

Not sure what anyone else's experience with this has been. I'd like to hear some of your thoughts and tips

[-] Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone 40 points 11 months ago

I could comment on the notion that one owns one's girlfriend but regardless, you should definitely self host if you're sharing deeply personal information with a program

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