you can write oop without inhetitance
nah gnome should be a lot more open from the get-go and its screensharing is crap
drake is a pedophile (alledgedly) and kendrick is a wife beater (alledgedly) but only kendrick has a pulitzer prise for verbally fucking peoples shit up
not even vegan but honestly you seem to care way more than the vegans i've met lol such a snowflake
this is such a fucking strawman holy shit
Edit: just looked through your comment history, honestly you should probably live off the grid you are a net negative to society
jesus christ what a chad
i mean i dont agree with the other takes and leaking nudes is a very stupid and assholey thing to do but taking nudes and sending them to smn isnt the smartest idea either tbh
Incredibly based
Its not theft its copyright infringement
Am high functioning sleep deprived this is basically what my life feels like
Can someone explain?
they are doing a bit