I hate those disposable vapes with a passion, but hey at least i get free li-ion cells from my classmates empty ones
Would certianly look cooler with an all crystal-blue roof
sorry for not making this clear enough in my original comment:
I would be concerned that a sizable chuck of the FOSS community would refuse to join a discord, on priciple, because they won't support a company that is going against all of their ideals.
THe problem is, Discord in't really the type of platform for a good chunk of FOSS users though. Discord activly scans Messages vor activity that might break their ToS, even private Chats. This is a privacy violation which i and many other find to be quite uncool. This means you might lack the more privacy-focused users opinions.
Im mainly Ken-fused...
you can easily find out by rightclicking the image and showing it in a new tab and copypasting the url into a texteditor, then rightclicking the image in the discord, copying the url, and pasting that too, and comparing both up to the ? (ignore everything afterwards)
bring a laptop. if you want an external one, they most of the time only need usb and if not, probably a 12V power brick
a shitload. 64000 if it were simple text only stuff with 1MB per book, 640 if it were 100MB chonkers full of images
i would just use tar and write a script 1990s style, but encryption support + multi-volume (tapes are LTO-2, so only 200GB uncompressed) won't work with that
plugging random old USB stuff into a computer:
linux: I guess this looks kind of like a webcam. Here you go, /dev/video0
windows: nooo! what is this?! go search for divers that dont register a hit on virustotal! see you in an hour.
where is that image from?