The sheriff’s department commended the mail theft victim for contacting law enforcement so they could apprehend the suspects rather than attempting to contact them on her own.
They should have been congratulating her because she did their job for them.
Khan, who oversaw the FTC's ban on noncompete agreements, has drawn the ire of corporate groups ... saying Khan was against "almost anything" business wants to do to grow efficiently.
Riiiight. "Business growing efficiently" sounds like a really bad meme, with NDA and layoff texts covering the whole panel and Trump screaming "YOU'RE FIRED!!"
Big business can fuck right off.
If there's a prize for the Best Headline of 2024 out there, this one should win the trophy.
I mean it's just got everything going for it!
Shit. This hits close to home. I was very active on twatter back then and followed Linda. Her girls are pretty young to be losing their mom.
Fucking cops.
And lawyers wonder why so many people hate them.
What a fucking disaster. :(
“Interestingly enough, they really didn’t address us with anything they wanted changed,” Sorensen said of the protesters.
So in other words the protesters didn't know what they were protesting or why it was important, but ran with it anyway.
The dumbing down of America apparently.
Patent trolls rank right up there with private equity firms that own massive amounts of housing. Scum of the earth right here.
It annoys me to no end that real-life whistleblowers end up in jail, have to emmigrate or die under mysterious circumstances, but fictional whistleblowers are cheered on in theatres and novels.
It's like America has a severe case of cognitive dissonance that the world sees, but is happy to stay that way no matter the cost.
Good luck in November, America. Seems you'll need it more than ever.
Byers-Smith said she asked police to search the school bus lot, but they told her they first needed to search her house ...
Uh huh.
The state is asking about a 2021 financial statement. Trump says he thinks it's accurate - he hopes so.
“I was so busy in the White House,” he says, adding his focus was on “China” and “Russia”.
"For the record, you weren't president in 2021 were you?" prosecutor Kevin Wallace asks.
Trump says no.
Bwahahaha! What an idjit he is.