Some workplaces are so poorly run they dont even fire people clearly collecting paychecks.
Ive literally seen management prevent someone from being fired for telling off a customer and swearing at them, because "we need them!".
Some workplaces are so poorly run they dont even fire people clearly collecting paychecks.
Ive literally seen management prevent someone from being fired for telling off a customer and swearing at them, because "we need them!".
We are forced to choose.
So is it malaria or stage four leukemia?
Easy fucking choice to me.
Or maybe we are stuck with the two parties we have.
For a third party to appear, one of the current ones has to fracture. Neither party is willing to do that because fracturing your own party guarantees the other party wins due to FPTP.
Right now especially, noone trusts the republicans to run the country while the democrats re-sort themselves into their new parties.
Even then, it might be those two Democrat parties splitting their own vote for many elections to come, essentially conceding the country for a decade or more.
If the parties we had now were more moderate and closer together on everyday issues, it wouldnt feel like picking between shit and poop, it would feel like choosing between vanilla and chocolate ice cream, which both are valid and good and have their own merits.
Americans aren't stupid, we are frustrated, and in some states there is still a strong pressure from religion, school, and government that causes people to learn the wrong ideals, and in some cases complete falsehoods. My favorite is the states that contradict themselves or avoid logic at all turns.
We recently had a state pass a law including the ten commandments in every classroom in the state, but the approved list they are putting up is ELEVEN items long.
I was probably all over the place in this reply but I hope I made some sense towards your post.
What's wrong with voyager? Its already ad-free.
Seems so strange to choose to inject adds over top of lemmy by choice.
Just another company thats created two price levels:
I know 2 is preferable to some but I'm against it purely because of how deceptive it is, so I'm stuck with option 1.
I dont think thats what happened to the OP here, but just wanted to add why the cheaper option isnt always better.
How's that any different that salary workers in the US that are exempt from OT protections and are required to work extra hours for free or else be subject to discipline, up to and including losing their job?
A lot of modern western countries do the same stuff and just hide it better or target groups that won't speak out.
Hi Elon! How is Twitter Co. today? Having a yummy lunch with your coworkers soon?
Thats how I got out of it without having to pay the hundreds of dollars in cancelation fees. I was fuming at the time too, and that was maybe close to 5 years ago now.
Is it your opinion that free things can't be criticized? I dont understand the position, especially these days when free often comes with conditions. Not sure if true free exists.
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted the "SHAM trial" on X. "You don't see this level of corruption in a banana republic", she wrote, directing people to a Trump fundraiser.
I don't know I've seen such a direct example of, " I'm saying this so that you will give us money", as this in a while.
Why are people so happy to be part of a scam? What do they expect their money will do? Is it a metric republicans use to compare to each other? 🤷
I can't tell if you actually are confused or not, so I'll just answer as if you are: the original poster WAS alluding to pirate-actions.
Plenty of people are making that bet. Work from home is important to a lot of people and its not something you can take away without employees seeing it as a pay cut.
So if my pay is being cut, and you are taking an extra 2 hours of my day in commute again, then I guess that becomes my reward for hard work?
To be fair the dynamics do change from business to business. My current one is a good example of making poor decisions with workforce and not expecting the blowback.