The writing was on the wall when they established a generative AI using everyone's code and of course without asking anyone for permission.
They're called enameled cables, they've got a thin layer of insulation which prevents them from rusting or shorting.
The stereotype of pedophiles using the dark web is absolutely true. I hosted an exit node and not even a day later got a call from my ISP. I told them I was hosting an exit node and they instantly understood the situation, went to close the node and have never hosted another one since.
What Israel is doing to Palestine today is exactly what America did and is doing to their indigenous population. Why do you think they're allies?
If people were actually taught history they would have known exactly what their genetic information being in a registry would result in.
UBI is kind of cool but it has some massive flaws. For example: Landlords and groceries can just raise prices to bring the cost of living up and since there are no rent/price controls (because "that would be communism") we'll be right back to where we started. What you want is Universal Basic Services. Anything you need to live is free. Literally impossible for anyone to game that system and equally impossible for people to slip through the gaps, but it's also never going to happen because "that would be communism"
So yeah this is why capitalism has go to, because any attempt at actually making a just and fair society will be dismissed as "being communism"
'Neither Left nor Right' is a fascist dogwhistle. Fascism has a rich history of marketing itself as the apolitical choice.
I'm laughing my ass off at whoever did that, hats off to them.
Any bird who lives primarily in the water is dumb as shit. They have unlimited protection above and around them, so they have zero adaptive pressure to put anything into their intelligence. Land birds have a lot to worry about so their brains are approaching human levels of intellect.
Socialized system vs capitalized system: The capitalist comes in and uses their venture capital to undercut the socialized system so that people stop using it. Once the socialized system loses interest and funding or are otherwise out of the picture, they they jack their prices up way higher than the original and because they're the only game in town, they get to keep those record profits in effective perpetuity.
Americans be like "I like fascism I just don't like THIS fascism"
We've all felt this at least once be honest with yourself.