Alv en dónde?!
I like reading this poem whenever I'm feeling like I'm about to lose it. It helps me find my center again.
Just Let them. If they want to choose something or someone over you, let them. If they want to go weeks without talking to you, let them. If they are okay with never seeing you, let them. If they are okay with always putting themselves first, let them. If they are showing you who they are and not what you perceived them to be, let them. If they want to follow the crowd, let them. If they want to judge or misunderstand you, let them. If they act like they can live without you, let them.
If they want to walk out of your life and leave, hold the door open, and let them.
Let them lose you. You were never theirs, because you were always your own. So let them.
Cassie Phillips
Good for you it is super fun!I love yoga challenges and have done some with neighbor yoga groups, school moms, etc.I like yoga with Tim.
I love your style. t is so unique and quirky. Would love to see tbose panels down by the corridor! Are those full size paintings?
Thanks for the empathy and good wishes. I am in a better place now.
Too small clothes so I'd be excited to go on a diet and lose weight... as an already very sick underweight teen with an eating disorder who wasn't a wize zero "but you'll get there"
Paulo Cohelo's garbage books to "help me with my constant depression that keeps bringing everyone down and you like books, no?"
Stuffed animal toy thay was first intended for a baby shower but the mom didn't want it so "why should it go to waste if you can have it as a birthday present"
Plastic surgery offering as a sweet sixteen present "so you can feel beautiful"
Professional acne treatment (Accutane) as a birthday present because "Oh you poor thing need it"
A used and stained old yellow blouse "because it will make you look happier" I hate yellow.
And the list goes on lol. That was growing up and it is one of the many reasons why I am no contact with all of those people.
Now as an independent adult in a stable loving relaionship surrounded by nice genuine friends, I actually get very thoughtful and beautiful gifts. Some expensive, some with no monetary cost.
There is a very skittish mare that I leave alone because of said skittishness. Today while browsing my phone I was leaning on the stall wall right by her not paying attention when suddenly she came up and put her head next to mine in a "what are we looking at" kind of gesture. She stayed there for a bit while I was trying my best to stay still and not let my excitement show too much. It made me feel special.
I wish the person who laid down the stone paths you just described could read what you so beautifully wrote about their special place.
This thread is so wholesome ❤️ It made me smille to know how many people are loved and cherished by a significant other.
A plot of land in a place I like. Nothing fancy or huge, just a place to be by myself and enjoy a nice bonfire away from people.
Headphones. The old clunky ones that cover your whole ears. I love them! They feel like a hug and I use them all the time while listening to spooky stories. Bought them in a sale about four years ago.
A hello kitty backpack. Bought it as a birthday gift for a friend's daughter, we had a fallout and I kept it. One day I needed a clean backpack and this was on hand so I grabbed it in a whim and have been using it ever since. I have a pair of Columbia, silver ridge and tetons laying around but this fluffy cute backpack makes me so happy and has the perfect size.
Fat people. There, I said it.
Mean girls.