[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 36 points 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

That era of Internet history was wild. Between weird sex stuff like that and tentacle soup, weird body stuff like goatse and tubgirl, and straight up death like two guys one hammer. It seemed like every third person on the internet was trying to trick you into watching one of those.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 30 points 1 year ago

I prefer funny over accurate.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 32 points 1 year ago

I've made it two decades in IT and related fields by searching for answers using Google. I accidentally took my laziness, love of automation, and ability to Google and became an SRE. Then I accidentally became a senior software engineer because the director on that side of the house liked my initiative and was sure my skills would translate. I protested but got a substantial bump to do it.

I'm failing upwards by abusing stack overflow and search engines.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 31 points 1 year ago

#The following code does nothing, but if removed the whole program crashes

-Me, circa 2011

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 29 points 1 year ago

The problem is that the second you responded to something like that you'd be buried in copycats the next year all hoping to go viral. So you've made your job more difficult or burnt bridges on the way out the door.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 54 points 1 year ago

It was probably tainted.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 83 points 1 year ago

D.A.R.E. raised my awareness of drugs. I only used them for wholesome purposes.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 32 points 1 year ago

So I went and looked. OP seems like a very unhappy individual. I found traces of the below plus a lot of the "whiney entitled gamer" archetype. I sure hope they find happiness someday.

It's Easy so it Sucks

It's Short so it Sucks

Unpleasable Fanbase

"Stop Having Fun" Guys

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 31 points 1 year ago

It's my fault. I signed up for it before I realized it was a pro China instance and the other day I said I'm not a Communist.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 31 points 1 year ago

They've been reinvented repeatedly. Citrix, terminal servers, thin clients, cloud desktops, web apps, remote app delivery......

Most people (not necessarily here) need a web browser and an office program. Most people are well suited to terminals or something like a Chromebook.

I need actual hardware for my job and hobbies, but even I have a mini PC set up like a gaming console so that if I want to play games on my bedroom TV I don't have to hook up my Steam Deck or gaming laptop. I just stream them.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 27 points 1 year ago

I don't know what the going rate is but I assume that if you just want a throw you could probably get a mid tier prostitute almost once a week for that price.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 36 points 1 year ago

If I can just tell her how awesome my penis is she'll fall madly in love! Right now she has no idea!

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