I like how the first line of this article below the images states how epic's flagship unreal 5 game has outdated graphics.. Doesn't make me feel like they did any sort of research.
I'm really hoping someone other than meta will make something competitive again, I've been waiting to get back into VR. I went through 2 vive base stations presumably due to cold temperatures, and now have given up on VR until something better comes out (even though I love it and am entirely convinced it will be huge).
As God intended
Lock your doors equiv, I'm coming for you
A years worth of flowers... So like, two then?
Definitely WoW overall, but I don't know how much time. Minecraft is around 300 I think. Factorio is a fairly recent addition for me, but is leading my steam library now, with Terraria in second. I assume RuneScape would be a contender as well. Maybe ESO too... I used to have a bit of an MMO problem.
They are owned by PayPal, so that seems unlikely
Bet/hope at least some of them feel like real dipshits right now.
There must be dozens of them by now
Why press? This is the time for wild speculation
I'd rather work on becoming a small Asian lady thanks
People aren't playing the original version anymore though?