Thanks a lot. That works.
Thanks for your response. But the Debian package is not maintained. Do you know of any other way?
It is in human nature to keep improving the state of things.
Well the point is that he wouldn't have the need to know if he has used something like GPL.
Linux Mint is what you are looking for.
Hi, Thanks for the response. Sorry for disturbing you. I have tried what you have suggested here. There are two files with matching timestamps but different PATHs. I am using i3wm in Debian 11. Please tell me how to deal with this issue.
Adding those lines to .bashrc, helped with the flatpak commands. I can run them without having to type "flatpak run". I did this for nix: export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$HOME/.nix-profile/share:$HOME/.share:"${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/}" However, I still cannot see the entries in rofi. The package is Chromium browser.
Thanks for the response. Adding those lines to .bashrc helped with flatpaks but not with nix.
Thanks, I will check it out. Adding those lines to .bashrc helped with flatpaks but not with nix.
I only have .profile. Actually adding those lines as to .bashrc as suggested by helped for the flatpak commands. But the issue with .desktop files for programs installed using nix still persists.
Thanks for the response. But in my case, even that does not work as well.
Thanks. I will try this method as well. For now, pmount seems to work fine.