I smell desperation. There's ten of thousands of actors out there and they decide to re-hire RDJ? It feels like they're counting on his star power to save their precious Marvel shows and/or movies. It won't help, of course, because bad casting isn't why people stopped watching. People are superhero'ed out and yet they're pumping out Marvel shit like there's no tomorrow. And I do mean shit, the quality of Marvel movies fell off sharply after Endgame. The talent just isn't there, man. Stop.
Andrew is ignorant. He could learn the basics of computer literacy, which would answer all his questions, but I'll take a shot in the dark and say that Andrew doesn't want to do that and is perfectly happy being ignorant. And also angry.
Gee, wonder why.
All that talk about how Xbox is investing in the Japanese market and then they close the one prominent Japanese studio that they own. The same one that, as the article points out, made Hi-Fi Rush which was "a break out hit". What the hell, Microsoft.
Oh wow, Razer was selling masks? Seriously? That's wild, I must've missed that completely. What's even wilder is that a bunch of people apparently decided that their best option for respiratory filters is, of all things, a gaming company. And one with a shaky QC history at that.
Has anyone seen Behind the Curve? Most of these flat earth people seem to possess some level of critical thinking, just... not enough. That, or their pride or obstinacy get in the way. At the end of the documentary, a team of flat-earthers perform an actual, well thought out experiment. It's... well, just watch.
Best part? Immediately after this, they discard the results of the experiment saying the premise was faulty. Somehow.
I know, but just let me have my old man yells at cloud moment.
Trollbait, it has to be. "no brand tie ins" is genuinely hilarious to me. I'm picturing a videogame reviewer going like: "The game is an artistic and a technical milestone. The gameplay is also the smoothest we've seen so far. Unfortunately, the game does not feature a Ronald McDonald skin or even a Slurpee coupon, so we have to give it a 7/10".
Try to understand, not everyone likes windows. They require quite a bit of maintenance, are usually insecure and speaking personally, some setups just don't look good. It's why some people opt for skylights instead.
Man, I hope there were some heavy repercussions for the person who did this. This isn't funny, it's just wasteful and mean-spirited.
Any software company that uses monthly subscriptions as their business model can fuck right off. Let us own what we buy.
I used to not like Funko Pop, but that changes today. I now loathe them.