[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 8 points 3 days ago

Flags shall be flown from a balloon tethered to the top of the flagpole.

Normally I'd be against the waste of helium but I'm prepared to make an exception.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 55 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

603 for maglevs, 574.8 for steel rail, set in France in 2007 by a hotted up, modified TGV.

China holds the record for a stock train at 487, set in 2010.

(all per Wikipedia)

It looks like the article might be implying that they will be the fastest trains operating in revenue service when they enter service, but that surely needs to be demonstrated with a production train in revenue service.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 48 points 1 month ago

It was an attempt to derail California (and other) High Speed Rail.

Why would you build HSR if there's something way faster/better/cheaper, you just need to wait 5 years? You're going to look really dumb if you spend tens of billions on infrastructure intended to last more than a century, and then it's obsolete before it's complete.

Similar story with Toyota perpetually claiming to have amazing batteries 3-5 years away, making every EV look like an expensive waste with no resale value.

And a hydrogen economy, small nuclear reactors, or fusion power being 5/10/20 years away, removing the need to invest in transmission and generation.

A major paradigm shift being right around the corner makes people choose short-term solutions, because you want to wait for the new thing to arrive before investing in 'old tech'.

The problem is most of it is lies, perpetuated by those selling the short-term-fix old tech.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 66 points 2 months ago

Until the day comes that I get a letter in the mail from the government saying, "Here's how much you paid in taxes, if you're cool with that then please disregard", I will not be satisfied.

NZ does that. More accurately, they email you to tell you that there's a letter available online - I don't think they send physical mail by default.

Then they pay any refund straight into your nominated bank account.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 59 points 4 months ago

My last first aid course didn't mention tampons specifically, but if you need to stop heavy bleeding, anything is on the table.

We were told that the general practice with a major wound was essentially to use a rolled up bandage to wipe the worst of the blood away so you can see where it's coming from, then put said bandage over the probable artery and apply lots of pressure.

Your job as first aid is to keep someone alive until paramedics arrive. Tissue damage from a tampon gluing itself in can be fixed. Total blood loss less so.

They did say they're an option for a major nosebleed though.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 47 points 6 months ago

I believe Trump/Stormy Daniels.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 77 points 10 months ago

A series of such massacres against one people approaches genocide.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 63 points 11 months ago

It honestly seems like these are questions that don't need asking.

You've provided no context about what you like and don't like, so you won't get any kind of a personalised response.

What are you expecting to get out of asking this as a question, that you don't get by simply going to Rotten Tomatoes?

This would be a waste of commenters' time, and that's why it's being downvoted.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 82 points 1 year ago

It's not clear, but I think they were referring to the version 1 Pi - the newer ones are much much much faster.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 73 points 1 year ago

Being an SUV, it'll weigh 50% more than necessary. That outweighs almost any other sustainability considerations.

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 125 points 1 year ago

Musk said last week: “I disagree with the idea of unions. I just don’t like anything which creates a lords-and-peasants kind of thing.”

Isn't he the world's richest person currently?

[-] SomeoneSomewhere@lemmy.nz 218 points 1 year ago

“Spotify already pays nearly 70% of every dollar it generates from music to the record labels and publishers

Sounds like the issue might be with the record labels...

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