I usually use 0.4 because it lets me print connectors that holds pogo pins with a 0.05" pitch. But it's slow for big things.

I don't usually print big things with tiny features, so I could have one extruder with a smaller nozzle and one with a larger one and use one or the other. But if I could use both at the same time, it would speed up printing of even my small connectors - because obviously not the entire connector requires fine features.

I didn't know about the Voron, but it looks great! But it also looks like it's quite a project and not something I could get going quick.

But I wonder if perhaps it would be a good idea to buy a cheap second-hand Prusa and build a Voron with it. Then I'd have a printer to print stuff at least as good as the one at work, and also work slowly towards building me a better one.

Glad to hear that!

Do you have more than one extruder with yours? I read it's not possible to have several nozzle sizes. As in, say one extruder with a large nozzle for quick printing and one with a smaller one for details. Is this true? Did you try that yourself by any chance?

[-] ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

What is your tolerance for tinkering?

High. My problem is time. Between my work and my other activities, I don't really have the time to spend hours messing about with a 3D printer. So if I can't get it going good once and for all over a weekend, I suspect it'll be sitting there for weeks and that's going to be frustrated.

[-] ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

There are flexible resins.

Yeah but what I intend to print has 90% support and 10% flexible bits. That will be super-wasteful, not to mention I read somewhere that supports made of flexible materials tend to be a bitch to remove.

If you're curious, I intend to design custom shoes for foot amputees. And if they work well for me, I'd like to come up with some software to let others in my situation scan their feet and print their own custom-made shoes too.

Kind of like what Ian Davis is doing for finger amputees, but for feet - since that's what concerns me. I really like his approach and I'd like to follow in his footsteps.

Interesting this one, thanks!

Yes I kind of wrote off Bambu for those reasons - not least of which because Bambu was founded by former DJI employees, which in and of itself is alarming if you care about privacy.

Put it on its own wifi guest network so it’s isolated from the rest of your devices.

It sounds like getting an angry ferret because it's cheaper and keeping it in a cage to avoid getting bitten when i could get a nice cuddly cat for a bit more.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

So I've been exploring the fabulous word of additive manufacturing for a few months now with my company's 3D printer - a Prusa Mk4 - that we employees are welcome to use for our own personal use when it's not busy printing tooling for work of course.

I've gotten really good at squeezing the most performance out of that thing: some of the functional parts I made with it at scales that are pushing the boundaries of what regular PLA out of a 0.4-mm nozzle can be coaxed into becoming, I'm properly proud of.

And I'm having a lot of fun finding ways to overcome the limitations of FDM. I don't really want a more precise printer: half the fun is witnessing a part that shouldn't exist come out of a printer that doesn't really have any right to be this good. Pushing the envelope... It's the spirit of hacking in the world of 3D printing and I love it!

But now I'm wanting a printer of my own. The company's printer is fine and all but when it's doing work-related things, I can't use it. And I have to wait to go back to work the next day to print something I modeled the evening before.

So I'm on the market for a good fast FDM printer that can print prints with different filaments at the same time, because I'd like to experiment with stretchy materials but keep using rigid and cheap materials for the supports, and also to play with colors. And I think I want a core XY printer because I've run into problems with big heavy prints with the company's bed slinger.

And finally, something that's really important for me: I want something as open source as possible that doesn't phone home, and ideally not made in China.

Money is not tight. The kids are out of the house and I have a well-paid job. I set my budget to 5k - dollars or euros.

So with those requirements in mind, from what I read, the best option for me is to stick with Prusa: it's more expensive for what it does but it's not sketchy Chinese spyware. Also, I know the brand already and I've been nothing but happy with it so far.

And in the Prusa line, I'm tempted by the XL with an the bells and whistles - namely 5 heads and an enclosure.

But here's the thing: I hear this machine has problems. Is it true? Would you have a better suggestion? Possibly another brand that I should consider?

[-] ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Would you mind sharing/posting an STL/3MF for these?

Sure why not:


Also, is that Galaxy Black filament?

The filament was generic PLA - or perhaps Prusament PLA, which is generic PLA with a fancy name from Prusa, I'm not sure what spool was loaded.

[-] ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I haven’t worn circular specs since college (~1990)

I haven't worn anything but small round glasses since I discovered why they're just better: small and round lenses can be positioned very close to the eyes, which provides a very large field of vision. And they're less fragile and prone to breaking if you hit your head on something or snag the end pieces on clothing.

And of course, frames are easier to make. I haven't bought frames in 30 years. I make my own.

Just a thought but you might like to investigate using spring steel for the arms and PLA just for the frames.

Nah. Those PLA glasses are in fact a copy of a frames I made of silver nicket - and wound spring steel wires for the ear hooks - and having worn them all day for 3 days now, I actually enjoy the feel of PLA better. And it's so much lighter! It really does make a difference.

And of course, if I break them, I can print another set of temples in minutes. If I don't like the feel, I can lengthen them or shorten them in FreeCAD and again, within minutes, I have new ones. No more faffing around with the heat gun or anything.

I really dig the disposableness of it all 🙂

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/sdfpubnix@lemmy.sdf.org

This did not make it here.

My new specs (lemmy.sdf.org)

I had new progressive lenses made, but the old ones are still fine and don’t have a scratch. They’re just a bit weak at near distance, but otherwise perfectly serviceable.

So I made new frames for them because I don’t like to throw away things that work.

All assembled, the frames weigh 3.5 grams, and 14 grams with the lenses mounted.

This was printed with a Prusa Mk4 and regular PLA at 0.15 mm layer height. The hinges use simple 10x1 pins - and I worked my magic to print the holes horizontally to the final dimension with interference fit, so no reaming or drilling is necessary. These glasses are straight out of the printer with zero rework.

I think they look pretty good as they are. If anybody notices they’re 3D-printed, I’ll say I’m gunning for that particular style 🙂

The front of the frames prints in 11 minutes and both temples in 12 minutes. I could break and make a new pair every day for the rest of my life and it would still be faster and cheaper than going to Specsavers only once.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

Hey y'all,

I have a problem: sometimes I find a cool video on Youtube and I want to post it in a community I moderate. So I create a post, put the Youtube link in the URL field, and several options get added to the form:

  • Copy suggested title:
  • archive.org archive link
  • ghostarchive.org archive link
  • archive.today archive link

I click on the first one to copy the title, no problem. And usually that's it: I post, the post's preview shows a snapshot from the video and clicking on it sends me to the Youtube video. Great!

Now here's my problem: I would prefer not to link to Youtube directly So I tried replacing the direct link with any of the 3 proposed links, and it doesn't go all that well:

  • The archive.org link seemingly never works
  • The ghostarchive.org link works but no preview image is generated, which makes the post a bit boring
  • The archive.today link redirects to a archive.ph link which is account-walled

Does anybody know how to create a post with a preview image that links to a Youtube video archived someplace else?

And yes, I'm aware that I could also report the video on my PeerTube. The problem is, SDF only has limited resources and I'd rather not upload huge videos there. They don't need the burden.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Earlier this week my company bought a LIDAR from Ouster. The LIDAR is a network device: it has an ethernet interface, it gets its IP from a DHCP server and then it talks to whichever machine runs the Ouster application.

The engineers and the marketing guy in charge of evaluating it installed the software on a Windows 11 laptop and tried to make it work for 2 days, to no avail. The software simply wouldn’t connect.

So they came to me, the unofficial company “hacker”, to figure it out. And I did: the culprit, as always, was the Windows firewall. Because of course…

But here’s the twist: because it’s Windows, you need some sort of additional antivirus on top of it. Our company uses WithSecure, which is phenomenally annoying and intrusive, and constantly gets in your way when you try to do any work in Windows that isn't Word or Excel. And of course, WithSecure wouldn’t let me punch a hole in the Windows firewall, because of course…

Anyhow, after trying to work around Windows and the hateful compulsory antivirus, I called IT and told them I needed WithSecure disabled, at least temporarily. They told me to fuck off because they’re not letting an unsecured Windows machine on the intranet.

Fine. I pulled another, older Windows laptop without any antivirus, connected it to an air-gapped router, configured DHCP in the router, connected the LIDAR to the router, launched the Ouster app and… it didn't work.

After 3 hours trying to figure out what was wrong, I finally found the problem: the stupid app is an Electron app built with an older version of Electron that had a bug in node.js that prevented it from working if it couldn’t resolve some internet address.

Sigh… Electron… Because of course…

This was getting too painful and annoying with Windows. So I blew away the Windows partition, installed Linux Mint on the laptop, configured the ethernet interface as a private interface, installed the DHCP server so I could do away with the router, connected the laptop to the guest wifi so the stupid Electron app could resolve whatever it needed to resolve to work, installed the Linux version of the Ouster app, and hey-presto, it worked rightaway.

So I made an account for the guys in Mint and handed them the laptop. They played with the LIDAR for a few hours without any problem, pulled records and files out of the machine on USB sticks without any problem, viewed some Excel files in Libreoffice without any problem.

Eventually the marketing guy asked me:

“So what was the problem then?”
“Windows of course” I said. “What else?”
“Wow. That Linux stuff is really good. We tried so hard to make this work but we never could. But it worked rightaway in Linux. That’s slick!”
“Well yeah, I keep telling you guys Windows is crap. There are reasons and this is one of them.”
“Yeah I can see why you don’t like it. And that Linux desktop is really nice actually. I might give it a spin at home.”

So hey, I managed to impress a marketing guy with Linux 🙂

It shows how polished Linux has become, if ordinary computer users can be convinced this easily now. It wasn’t like that for a long long time and it feels kind of rewarding to know you bet on the right horse all along and you're vindicated at last.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Apparently I installed that thing in 2006 and I last updated it in 2016, then I quit updating it for some reason that I totally forgot. Probably laziness...

It's been running for quite some time and we kind of forgot about it in the closet, until the SSH tunnel we use to get our mail outside our home stopped working because modern openssh clients refuse to use the antiquated key cipher I setup client machines with way back when any longer.

I just generated new keys with a more modern cipher that it understands (ecdsa-sha2-nistp256) and left it running. Because why not 🙂

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I got into computers when there was no GUI.

Then years later I got a Win95 PC and I found the Windows GUI pretty good - although the rest of the OS was not. My personal Linux PC running Slackware 96 came with FVWM95 wich was a good approximation. So I switched to that.

That was just for graphical utilities of course - of which there weren't very many. I spent the rest of my time in the Linux console or in xterm using screen for convenience.

Fast-forward to today: I still do that. I still like the Win95 UI paradigm, so I run Mint / Cinnamon. But most of what I do with it is open a Gnome terminal, blow it up and start tmux - like screen but better.

And, ya know, for almost 3 decades, whether it's Mint or anything else I used, that's pretty much what I've been doing: running screen in a terminal in a Win95-like GUI. And it works fine for me.

I recently ordered a laptop that comes with Debian / Wayland and the Sway window manager installed by default. I learned a long time ago that it's often better to go with whatever is installed by default than try to reinstall everything and fight a system that wasn't designed for it.

The laptop will take a few weeks to get here. So to prepare for when it lands on my porch, I decided to get into Sway on my current machine, to get used to it. I figured even if I don't like it, at least that way I'll be comfortable with it, and I'll know whether it's acceptable as it is or whether I should spend the time installing something more Win95-like.

But my current machine doesn't run Wayland, just plain Xorg. 2 minutes of searching revealed that Sway is in fact i3wm for Wayland.

Great! I promptly installed i3 on my Linux Mint box, switch to it, fucked around with the config file for a few hours and... I love it! That's pretty much exactly what I do with Cinnamon anyway but quicker!

And just like that, I switch to i3. I felt right at home with it from the get-go. The whole Win95-like UI was just a familiarity: in fact, what I've always wanted was a tiling window manager.

And yes, I did spend a few hours - almost half a day really - configuring the thing exactly how I like. But if I'm honest, I probably spent just as much time with Cinnamon way back when I switched to that too. So it's no different really.

So the takeaway here is: even if you have decades-old die-hard habits and you don't want to change, you should expose yourself to change every once in a while: you might just get surprised 🙂

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm about to step into the wonderful world of ARM Linux. I work with ARM32 as an embedded developer profesionally (Cortex-M3 specifically) so I'm not a complete newbie. But I've never used ARM64, and I've never used it with a desktop OS. So I'm doing my research, as one does, to know roughly what I'll be dealing with.

I have a few questions regarding backward compatibility and architecture-naming. Maybe you specialists out there could shed some light.

From what I could find, I understand the following:

  • arm64 and aarch64 are the same thing: the former is what Linus likes to say while the latter is what ARM calls their own stuff.
  • arm64 / aarch64 really mean "compatible with ARMv8" as a least common denominator, meaning ARMv8.x-y (x being the extension, y being A for application or R for realtime) will run it, just without taking advantage of any extension or realtime instructions.
  • ARMv9.x will run arm64 / aarch64 kernels and applications, as it's (supposedly) backward-compatible with ARMv8, just without taking advantage of the ARMv9 ISA.
  • If I want to create arm64 software that takes advantage of this-or-that extension or realtime instructions, I have to compile it in explicitely. I'm not sure if gcc handles special instructions, I haven't checked yet, but I suppose it does since it knows about the Thumb mode for instance.

Do I understand correctly?

If I do create some software that relies on extended ARMv8 or ARMv9 features and I want to release my software as a package, how should I name the package's architecture? Is there even a standard for that? Will it get rejected by the package managers of the few ARM distros out there, or will it be recognized as a subset of the wider arm64 / aarch64 architecture?

Techlore - Unsubscribe (lemmy.sdf.org)

After their shameless Synology shilling a couple of weeks ago, today Techlore is trying to sell me Proton Pass.

Is Proton Pass a bad password manager? I don't know. It seems okay, but I have no opinion.

What I do know is that Techlore is affiliated with Proton, which makes their newest 10-minute video - in which they reveal the affiliation only at the last minute - 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Unfortunately, In the business they're in, the merest hint of a bias kind of invalidates any advice they give. As the saying goes, when you point out other people's body odor, you'd better make sure you took a shower yourself.


submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

You might recall a few weeks ago that I requested from a well-known large and somewhat litigious company the source code of the modification they made to a certain GPL debugger, and that they grudgingly agreed after a long time.

So I set out to work on the pile of code they sent me and managed to extract their modifications and port them fo the latest version of that GPL tool... apart from one driver for their debug probes that we use throughout our company: the cunning bastards left a stub in the open-source debugger (I have the code for that) and that stubs talks to the rest of the driver in the form of a closed-source TCP server.

It's a blatant trick to go around the GPL by taking advantage of the grey area surrounding linking in the GPL - i.e. the question of whether a closed-source program can be linked to GPL code and not become GPL itself, which still hasn't been tested in court to my knowledge. If I recall correctly, the FSF is of the opinion that anything that dynamically links to GPL code becomes GPL too, but that's just an opinion.

And of course, here in this case, the aforementioned company added one degree of separation between their closed-source driver and the GPL tool that uses it by making it a server, so whatever argument against linking to GPL code becomes even weaker.

Anyway, as you can imagine, I'm disappointed: my work is 90% there, but I still don't have that one driver and their closed-source faux-server is half-broken and dog-slow because of the time it takes to spawn the server and communicate with it through TCP, and I can't fix it. And I'm 100% certain that if I asked them to send me the source code for that, they'd tell me to suck eggs.

But here's what happened: I got so tired of their shenanigans that I started investigating other debug probes I could use instead of their proprietary junk. And after quite a lot of investigation, I found one solution based on open hardware and open software that, with some careful configuration, works 2x to 3x faster than their proprietary debug probe. Wow! I didn't even know it was possible, and I probably wouldn't have researched it if I had had all I needed to make what we already own works.

Long story short: I proposed that my company replace all our existing proprietary debug probes with the open hardware one and my boss agreed. That's like 20 probes in total, between R&D, testing and production, and at the tune $266.99 per probe for the original proprietary one, that's $5339.80 the egregious GPL-violating company won't get from us. Not to mention renewal of the license for their IDE that we've been using for almost 2 decades, because finally, at long last, after over a month of solid work, I finally managed to free up our source code from their vendor lock-in and make it compile, debug and flash using open-source tools from start to finish!

So yeah, I didn't get what I originally wanted from that company. That's the bad news. But in the end I ended up better off without it, and that's the good news 🙂

Has Techlore sold out? (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I like Techlore (https://www.techlore.tech if you don't know) and I usually regard them as one of the most impartial and most trustworthy Youtubers out there. But for the past few months, I couldn't help noticing their somewhat heavy bias towards some of their video sponsors. Still, everybody has to eat right?

This time though, it looks like Synology flew them over to Taiwan, and if you watch their video at the event, it's wall-to-wall Synology shilling. I'm really disappointed.


So this very large company who shall remain nameless distributes a proprietary software development environment that includes a patched version of a certain, well-known open-source debugging tool.

The patch is to make said open-source tool support their products. It's not even hidden or anything: the binary is sitting right there in the installation directory, it's called the exact same thing the vanilla debugger is called and when I run it on the command line, it clearly says "patched for xyz".

The tool in question is distributed under the GPLv2 and I need to modify it for my own project. So I sent an email to the company to request the source code for their modification, but they refuse by playing dumb and pretending they don't understand the question. They keep telling me the source code to their IDE is not public. I keep telling them I don't want their IDE but the source for the modified GPL backend tool they bundle with it. But no: they claim it's part of their product and they won't release it.

Anybody knows the best course of action to deal with this? It's the first company I've dealt with that explicitly refuses to honor the GPL. I don't even think it's malice: I'm fairly sure the L2 support guy handling my ticket was told to deny my request by his clueless supervisor who didn't bother escalating it. But it's also a huge company that's known to be aggressive and litigious, whereas I'm just one guy and I'm not lawyering up over this. I have other hills to die on.

Who should I pass the potato to? The FSF?

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