[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 5 days ago

Lol no. These guys were tenured professors doing the same shit for years. It's a systemic issue where they rely on a definition of the "Socratic method" that is completely divorced from the original and functional tool. It's a buzz word they've been misinterpreting for over a century.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 6 days ago

Seriously, lol. Just lecture if you're gonna lecture. I hate playing hide the ball with my own students because it's just a waste of time for everyone involved.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 6 days ago

Absolutely. Small group is a must. I think the variations with seminars (always around 20 because universities want to maximize their profits) and lecture halls are terrible.

I see it working with 10ish people at the absolute max.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 8 points 6 days ago

Absolutely meowjestic.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 11 points 6 days ago

I don't like the Socratic method as it is employed in classrooms. I think the method of questioning is fine, and dissecting a subject can be fun with the right group and foreknowledge, but most instructors absolutely suck at making sure all students are up to speed with whatever is being discussed.

I don't see its value as a teaching tool without a strong enough instructor to prepare the students for its use and to guide the discussions in a productive manner.

Every professor I've ever had who used this method basically wasted class time with fill in the blank response questions. These are not higher order thinking discussions and do nothing to actually broaden understanding of whichever subject is being discussed. It seems like a cop out for the professor to me, at least how I've seen it used in multiple major universities.

I've had better Socratic discussions while high as fuck with my buddies after class than when we were actually in the lecture hall.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 64 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

In its first years, it actually ran alongside a lot of interesting and significantly more scholarly shows (than what we have now) on those two networks. The early 2000s actually had some solid programming on the history channel. Pretty quickly devolved into pawn stars and ancient aliens after that, though. So, yeah, half to most of its run was alongside utter garbage.

Edit for clarification: More scholarly than the current and last decade and a half of shows on history channel and discovery.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 66 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I mean, this is a pretty logical and understandable consequence of the right's call for political violence. I was pretty surprised the Pelosi intruder was able to do so much, tbh.

Edit: But, yes, people are dumb and disingenuous and will say that they should be able to kill an intruder on their property without question and then turn around and say that Harris' detail should not be allowed to do so.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 84 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

This is usually my go to. Come over, friendly and with a solution in hand.

Main point is don't make them feel less than or dumb for forgetting the blocks lol

Edit: Also, if you can pull off casually welcoming as they're new.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 97 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Your elderly relative is a piece of shit. Put him outside.

Edit: Also, take the cat to a vet and start thinking about end of life care for this sweet kitty and whether you want to lift a finger for your relative once he's in a similar position.

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 64 points 1 year ago

I mean... Casinos are all a big scam to begin with lol

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 82 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

BlueTriton (depressingly corporate garbage name, btw) is still basically Nestlé.

Reporting shouldn't be allowed to further obfuscate the corporate hierarchies involved in fucking up everyone's lives. If reporters included all the arcane structural and legal bullshit that corporations pull in order to escape even the slightest sliver of responsibility (and spin public perception), the average reader would be much more aware of the corporatocratic hellscape in which we live.

Edit: added a bit because it's technically not Nestlé but that's the whole problem as the technicality is about as far as it goes...

[-] iltoroargento@lemmy.sdf.org 253 points 1 year ago

"Fortunately for Glukhovsky, he is not actually in Russia, and was sentenced in absentia. His current whereabouts are unknown."

Literally the last sentence lol thankfully, he's not in Russia.

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