I live in a constant state of fear and misery
And employers love keeping you in that state
I live in a constant state of fear and misery
And employers love keeping you in that state
“Why are my employees not respecting me? Why are they unproductive?”
“Maybe treat them with a modicum of respect?”
“Must be something in the water.”
"No, no it's everyone else who's the problem, not me!"
Don't wait for a layoff, start organizing a union for that juicy 'represented' employment status (as opposed to at-will). Unions can't stop layoffs, but they can minimize the impact, negotiate a higher severance, and provide advanced notice. I highly recommend the good folks at CODE-CWA, they specialize in organizing tech workers
My dad has been a server engineer for a single company for my entire life and he lived like this up until quite recently. His fear oscillates in magnitude with the success of the industry the company is a part of course so it isn't always severe but I remember every few years as a kid I'd hear him and my mother murmering about lay offs. These days he just jokes about it being an early retirement
thank you for your input, sharkfucker420
Sharkfucker420 just knows what's up.
My company has a 6 month probation period. It also has a 6 month password expiry. Because of all the SSO nonsense, it's quite possible for it to lapse without warning.
It's now a running joke that get locked out on the last day of probation, and you're expecting a call from HR any minute.
I got canned from my last job and thr way I found out was my work Gmail was locked out, fuckin class acts them.
Getting fired from my current gig would be a relief tbh.
Im at a perfect equilibrium of indifference for being laid off. Some jobs suck.
I haven't been laid off since April. I haven't had a job since then though, so that's not exactly ideal.
I got my best IT Job off of Craigs list so don't count out that option.
Upside: not fired.
Downside: have to do work.
Upside: make money
Downside: not enough money
The frogurt is also cursed
I live in a constant state of fear and misery
Do ya miss me anymore?
Just hit 5 months with no work. It's been tough
Just hit 5 months with 3 works. It's been tough.
Edit: not trying to mock your suffering comrade. The point was that no matter what happens while we live a capitalist way of life, the working class will suffer.
I went one year and six months. It was bad. I'm wishing you the best.
Out of interest, what do you do and where are you based? It's a shitty place to work, but if you're near an Amazon office and you do Amazony things I'm happy to send a reference your way.
I work in IT. We get notified when people leave.
The cruelest thing in my company is when we get to know before the person in question…
While WFH is amazing, your colleagues just going poof and never knowing what happened to them is a big downside.
The randomly fired 2 people on my team one morning. I think we're doing the evil shit Amazon does with stack ranking. It's so toxic. Fuck this place, you only get the bare minimum now. Anyone know of any software engineering unions?
I think someone mentioned CWA (Communication Workers of America) in another thread? Assuming you're American which on Lemmy is statistically likely.
Anyone else see the back of the chair as the person's hair in the first two panels?
Yes, it wasn't until the third panel did I notice the arms of the chair and suddenly the person was bald
Could still be hair!
You just captured the daily life of a UK academic after the catastrophically low recruitment numbers this year.
I know the feeling. A few months ago I randomly got a video call from my boss. Both he and the owner of the company were in the line. They let me know that they unfortunately had to let go of almost everyone on the dev team. Some funding had fell through (gotta love startups). Fortunately, I got to keep my job that day, but I can't shake the feeling that another layoff is right around the corner.
Don't let that fear cow you into accepting marginal raises or career stagnation (assuming you're not happy at your current level). Severance (outside the US) is usually generous enough to skate into your next opportunity and, tbh, working in constant fear is fucking awful for your mental health.
At my last job, every time they added or removed someone’s key card access, the system would reboot and everyone would be locked out for like two minutes.
We also had two floors that were connected by a fire stairwell, so you needed a card to re-enter the next floor.
At least twice my card stopped working in the middle of the word day while I was standing in the stairwell and I assumed that they just fired me and assumed I’d see my own way out.
Survived three layoffs at that company.
Way too stressful. I worked at a company that was bought by a hedge fund and they were always downsizing, even if it was key employees. It made me under perform and caused insomnia that I never quite got over and it was 11 years ago.
Perhaps the head of the corporation that abuses you should be the one that lives in fear.
I don't even notice when it hurts anymore.
ey b0ss
Why this expression? This guy just needs to spent a year homeless on the beach or so, if being fired: https://www.businessinsider.com/chris-deering-playstation-sony-laid-off-staff-beach-uber-2024-9 It definitely isn't greed on side of the CEO who earnes millions for nothing while so many get fired, right? RIGHT?
I do this exact same expression when I'm forced to gain knowledge of something potentially personally catastrophic...
Me, turning on my PC every day after my main PC was bricked while rebooting for a Win10 update...
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it
ouch. this hits to close.
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