They're worth a lot if you're laundering money
What do you mean? You didnt go out and spend all your money on reproducable jpegs? Whats wrong with you?
Maybe you should watch the video
Mostly I'm just enjoying all the competition in this sector - it's good for consumers
Someone should make Call of Pokemon
I came across this insane opinion piece the other day:
It's so surreal, it feels satirical
Great suggestions, but Spelunky 2??? I love my daughter, but I also don't hate myself ;)
Yeah, we need solutions to this issue as it's happening more and more with always-online games. We're at risk of losing all these games to history without the ability to keep them in the archives
I've just created
Both can be very active communities once people are there
Reddit most certainly did not win. Win what, anyway? Many long-time users and moderators left the platform.
I've just created
Both can be very active communities once people are there
It might not solve all your needs, or your use case specifically, but I've got myself a Synology NAS and that has been a solid alternative to Google Photos for me.