Are you asking if Swiss guys knew about mountains? )
You may want to reevaluate your views. For the price there always were much better sounding options. Their main selling point is supposed to be convenience, but with all the software glitches it does not seem like they have it anymore.
It must taste like sadness
Judging by the stock value - not at all. Enough ppl are THAT optimistic.
However strong is my desire for DJT to tank, the statement "stock market is reality" does not reflect the said reality. It is the definition of fantasy, where valuations are driven by nothing fundamental. Only beliefs and expectations matter, and these change daily. Say, if Trump actually manages to win the election - and there is a terrifyingly high chance for that, - this joke of a company can actually skyrocket in valuation, as someone with money can try to buy his favour. Not that it will hold high for long, of course - just saying that manipulation is a reality (see what i did?).
For the record, I would. Also, what she is doing is great. Regardless of what you and I think about it.
Would you consider divorcing Bezos a good deed?..
Not really easy if he does not have the actual money. Which, it seems, he does not.
Two things, actually. "You are fired", and "You are hired". Also, does "I do" count?
You got my name wrong, but that is ok. It was not Putin who voted for Trump, and not him who keeps supporting him even now. Though Putin must feel really good about them, I am sure. Anyway, keep daydreaming your country into collapse if you like. This empire must also end, as all of them.
There, solved it for you. Next!
It is good you are into chameleons. We need more people caring about animals!