So like nursing where during clinicals you have to do a 48 on 24 off and 48 on and on during rotation?
So what I just type in Hitman...not the game and there it is? Also how does one use the dark web? Never thought about it. But a friend or so called friend just got busted for hiring a hit man to kill her adult son. And when I knew here I had to teach her how to use windows and type. So I am guessing and correct me if I am wrong it must be pretty easy to use the dark web.
Fuck reddit ...fuck the mods who abuse their power. Fuck the bots. Fuck the corporate greed bs. The admins have always been cool to me until I was perma ban. But kind of seem like nice folks.
Not going to lie that put a big smile on my face just thinking about it.
So hypothetically if Biden died two years into his term then Harris could serve the two plus 8?
I bet you ten to one we are going to get a super influx of redditors and I will bet you askhistorians will be behind a paywall which will be nice if the mosey on over here.
Well don't know if he is shitposting but for the longest time I thought Netflix and chill was just inviting someone over and watch a movie. Until the other day someone told me that the expectation is to fuck.
I used to sub to that community before had to jump ship. Because it devolved in ask how to fix this and that why is this not working shit. But I am kinda surprised that a person would pay another person to get their posts to the top.. Kind of makes you wonder what other subs are doing the same thing and not getting caught or swept under the rug.
No because in a video I just saw when he was speaking to a group of christians he said this is the election you need to vote in because when he is president there will be no more voting. He said this three times just to reinforce it.
go here: sorry still learning lemmy and don't know how to do links yet.
Not me but a friend asked me for some money to go buy an ounce. I gave him 300 thinking it was weed. He came back with two 8 balls. One of coke and the other one heroin. I to this day regret ever giving him money. And he still hasn't paid me back.
The more I read these comments it sound like the USA is entering its Hitler phase.