I heard this years later by my former boss. He used to work for a company that just announced some lay-offs because work was slow. Right as the lay-offs were being announced the head of the company pulled into the lot with his new Porsche lease. It was terrible timing, but the corporate lease was up and the car was ordered months prior. Just made the owner look especially tone-deaf since the car came the same say as the lay-off announcement.
Oh for fucks sakes.
give up
No. That's not what companies do.
BMW and Mercedes were the "leaders" in milking their customers and thus they got the most bad press. All BMW is doing is waiting until more companies start doing this and the whole idea of subscriptions in the car business becomes normalized to the public.
Unless consumers continue to shun this concept and the press blasts these companies for trying to push this nonsense, it will make a comeback in the years to come. Unfortunately, I simply do not think consumers will look at their long-term interests. Its like telling gamers not to pre-order the hottest upcoming releases because it encourages companies to release buggy software... all the pleading in the world ends up falling on deaf ears. Same too, I believe, will happen in the car market.
Spare me the outrage from the press, when the press is the entity that helped create this mess.
All this could have been avoided some 6 years ago if these clowns in the press did their goddamn jobs. Trump had a history of corruption going back decades. Between sexual assault cases, crooked business dealings,connections to the Russians as well as connections to the mafia, and everything in between. Rarely any of that came to light or was taken as seriously as it should have been. It was one free pass after another. They gave him endless air time because they loved those sweet, sweet ad-dollars. They considered him a joke candidate and never dove deep into his past finances or connections.
...And then it happened. He was actually elected. And that's when it became serious.
Fuck every last one of these journalists who just sat back, let him slide, and just let it happened. Now they have the gall to talk about authoritarian-this, and fascism-that.
He's not resigning from a position that is a lifetime appointment.
So sick of hearing these moronic articles.
Either get the goddamn Department of Justice or IRS involved in this and see if these trips and other gifts were illegal, or STFU. Yes, we all know he's a corrupt piece of shit, but he's not resigning, and it sure as hell doesn't look like any governmental departments even want to try going after him for corruption.
This is how government should work. A government FOR the people.
This is the kind of pro-consumer news that I've become accustomed to hearing only about the EU. I realize this doesn't stop ISPs from simply levying fees and only demands that they list them, but seeing an itemized list of where your money goes is a first step in realizing that you might be getting screwed.
"All parts for this vehicle, whether internal or from suppliers, need to be designed and built to sub 10 micron accuracy."
Yeah ok.
Tell me you know nothing about manufacturing, without telling me you know nothing about manufacturing.
That one quote - assuming it is accurate - explains that Musk is even more of an idiot than everyone already knew he was. You don't make things at those tight tolerances. A couple of dimensions on a part might be (for instance the bore on a press fit sleeve), but you'd almost never, ever hold an entire part to that tight of a tolerance.
In imperial units, 10 microns is .00039". A human hair is roughly .001 to .005" thick. So he is asking for a tolerance that is 3 to 10x smaller than the thickness of a human hair. To put the absurdity of Musk's demand into perspective, most parts that go into a car are roughly an order of magnitude looser in tolerance with some dimensions being 2 orders of magnitude looser.
That difference might not sound like a lot, but holding something to +/-.0039 versus +/-.00039" could easily triple the price of an item or more. Easy. You use a tight tolerance only when you need to - that's engineering 101. Some parts could easily be +/- .039" and not affect their performance on bit. Close tolerance engine parts might be held at what Musk is demanding, but never "ALL PARTS" would be held to that.
I'm so sick of these headlines.
They remind me of the endless headlines over the years (decades, actually) of how the Republican party is ready to collapse or implode or explode or insert-other-ominous-word-here.
As with all those failed predictions of the GOP going the way of the dodo bird, until I see Trump in an orange jumpsuit I won't believe any of the shit they claim will happen.
The members of those same labor unions will "reward" Biden by voting for Trump. The number of workers in the trades who are blind MAGAts is astonishing.
This move will not change that.
And it doesn't help that Democrats will do nothing to sell this news to these people either. As always Democrats act like their accomplishments are like the 7 herbs and spices in the KFC recipe or the special formula for Coke... well hidden so no one finds out about it.
How about we stop acting like this is a goddamn game and take this seriously?
Throw him in jail until the trial starts.
We all should be. But that won't happen if people go out there and vote, godamnit.
And don't just vote to keep Trump out.
Vote to keep him and his party out of office.
Imagine being so corrupt that you call Canada, of all countries, as terrorist haven.