I thought that was on top of the public funding. Greedy pigs.
Or have several somebodies and throw a surprise party at a parking lot to scare him away. I'm not sure if I'd work but it'd be a perfect opportunity to choreograph that scene from West Side Story. ☺
And this is why I enjoy being an average-looking nobody. So creepy!
I thought it said QueerCupid and got a bit excited, but reading it properly also got me excited so. 🎉 Cool project!
Can you down a 20-foot waterfall prengent?
Felt like 4/5ths during the pandemic. Ugh, it felt like a social awakening. I hate it.
This strat is not as effective as vegans think it is for changing people's minds. I don't know what works, but this one's clearly not it.
18/F/CA is the go-to
Seriously! Name and shame, please.
That's the logo for a multi-billion dollar corporation's built-in media player for their flagship OS? It looks like one of my side projects.
The worst discrimination I've experienced was by the religious finding out I'm atheist. It's mind blowing how nasty people can get when they perceive you as an "other" without reason.
I'd charge double and give at least half to the victims. I'll keep some for the cleaning costs of dealing with swine.