[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world -3 points 6 hours ago

Toyko USA? No, I have not. Which state is that in?

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world -1 points 6 hours ago

I'm unclear why you're being downvoted for sharing reccomendations. So, because I've experienced similiar issues when I DID understand the downvotes, I'll assume someone downvoted you because Brave isn't their browser of choice, and they're sitting at their computer like "NO! NOT BRAVE! WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE USE (insert obscure browser which may actually be a better experience, but only 50 people have ever heard of) INSTEAD??? WHY MUST THEY RECCOMEND THE MAINSTREAM BROWSERS????"

And then 3pm comes, and it's time for him to give his sheets to his mommy for the weekly laundry.

Meanwhile, me, someone who's used Firefox exclusively since 2004, is thinking "Hmmmm, maybe I SHOULD branch out and try other browsers! I'm sure I could try Brave? I'll be......BRAVE.....enough to try a new browser!"

And then I give myself a big hearty laugh as I drink a sip of my hot chocolate, and proceed to live the rest of my life not giving a shit why you were downvoted. Oh, also, have an upvote!

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 2 points 8 hours ago

There needs to be a browser that auto blocks all cookies, and all cookie banners. You can whitelist the sites you want. Beyond that, your browser tells all the web "fuck you!"

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 19 points 8 hours ago

Holy shit! Top comment right there! I read the headline and thought "Geez, that's going to leave a massive hole in the maps market. There is no clear runner to fill that role. That probably means we'll see a few years of innovations as competitors try their best to come up with that new killer feature that makes their maps the best."


None of that. Google.com will just act slightly different on their search pages.

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 91 points 8 hours ago

No no, guys, you're misunderstanding. He MEANS there's too much negativity from people saying things like "X sucks since musk bought twitter....."

He's going to change those people's tweets to say "X is great!"

And by that I mean he's going to have a team to edit tweets that he doesn't like!

If that's not free speech, then Musk doesn't know what is!

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 0 points 9 hours ago

No, in Japan.

I think you missed the joke.....despite the fact that I explained the joke as part of the core concept ofthe joke.

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world -4 points 11 hours ago

By not having 15 million citizens in one city?

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago

Damn! I wonder if this Epicurus guy has a mastodon account!

checks date


[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

"Asshole resistant" sounds like marketing terms used to advertise a dildo to a community that enjoys consentual non-consent.

Like they want a dildo that doesn't go into assholes easily.

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

Social media changed dating, and made it ok for both women and men to treat eachother as commodities, resources, status symbols.

I stopped reading right here. Men and women have ALWAYS treated each other as commodities. Since......always. Hell, you can go back to the early 1900s before women were allowed to vote, and your wife was LITERALLY considered your property. Some cities like Kansas City even allowed you to legally beat your wife, because again, she was your property.

Or you can go back even farther than that. You can go to the 1400s in England, and mothers would willingly hand over their sons to the king. Sons as young as 9 years old. And the reason was so that the king could have casual sex with your children. And this was not only accepted, but encouraged socially back then. Mothers would brag to other people in their social circles that the king chose THEIR son to fuck in the butt at 9 years old. That was like a status symbol for your family to have your kids chosen for the king's personal sexual purposes.

So yeah, social media had nothing to do with people treating other people like objects. That shits been going on probably longer than the concept of literacy and the written word.

When it comes to dating, most men date for looks, most women date for status/wealth. And then people wonder why so many relationships fall apart. It's because SO many people are just looking for the blonde girl with the biggest tits, or the doctor with the biggest paycheck.

Well looks can fade, and wealth can disappear. If you marry a girl for her looks in your 20s, you'll be bitter in your 60s. And if you marry a guy for his bank account, you'll still be stuck with him if he gets a prenup, or goes bankrupt.

Don't date someone for what they bring to the table. Date someone for who they are as a person. Because an average looking girl who's amazing to hang out with will still be amazing to hang out with then they're old. And a blue collar working man may not be rich, but he'll still give you the shirt off his back to prevent seeing you be unhappy. Even when you're old.

All these relationships I see today are just people looking to use other people, until you see the rare ones that you realize "Yeah! They're going to last together." Meanwhile Britney Bangs-a-lot is on her 7th marriage.

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 38 points 2 days ago

It really goes to show what kind of times we're living in when Steve Jobbs is the limbo bar to measure good ethics that everyone today is clearing under.

[-] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 65 points 2 days ago

Why would Tim Cook be assosiated with Apple in trumps mind?

Apple is owned by Tim Apple.

Kind of strange that this line cook is able to afford a small 1 million dollar loan.......what? You think trump knows that a loan is different than a donation? You think he knows you're supposed to pay back loans?

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Does anyone remember Seaman? That game was great! Why are you giggling? I'm just talking about Seaman! Why does everybody giggle when I say I want to play with Seaman???

Oh, right. Some of you may be younger and have no idea what I'm talking about.

Seaman is a game that was released on Dreamcast. It's a game where you talk to a fish. No, I'm NOT joking. It came with a microphone. There was a fish, with a humans head. You talked to a fish. And usually it would insult you. It was narriated by Lenard Nemoy.

No, seriously. I'm NOT joking about any of this. That's real. That happened. When I was 16, I used to get high, and talk to a fish with Lenard Nemoy. Though, to be fair, he was only on the title screen as far as I remember. He would insult you for not having a life if you played too often. I once played for 30 minutes, saved, and turned off the Dreamcast. Then my friend came over, and was like "Why is there a microphone on your controller?" and I was like "You wanna talk to a fish?" and he was like "Dude.....I know you're high.....but what the fuck ARE you smoking right now?" And then we turned the game on, and Lenard Nemoy would always give updates about the tank enclosure since you last visited. But he also insults you for playing too much. It had only been a few minutes since I last played, and he said "It's nice to have you back so.......soon. If one didn't know better, one might think you're a bit obsessed. It is not necessary to tend to Seaman so often. That's not to say we don't enjoy having your company, but you need not revolve your life around a fish."

Even in it's day it was not well known, or understood. It was a batshit insane concept, executed with crazy core concept ideas as the foundation, and then they just said "Who can we get as a voice actor for the title screen who will be taken seriously in the sci-fi genre, but also needs some money right now?" and there was Lenard Nemoy.


And we need it back. I just put a dreamcast emulator on my phone, and was in the break room at work. Just as I pressed the talk button, I said "Hello Seaman" as someone walked into the breakroom. He looked over at me like "......what did he say?" and then he hears my phone say "Yeah.....hello......" in a sarcastic tone. And I pressed the button again and said "Tell me a story, Seaman" and then he hears my phone say "What?" And I did it again. And Seaman said "No. I'm mad at you right now". And I said "Why are you mad, Seaman?" and he flug his poo at me.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Seaman is ABSOLUTELY a dick? Yeah, he's a total asshole, but that's what makes it funny.

He eventually starts asking you questions about your life, and keeping a log of your answers. And then he'll get to know you based on your answers. He'll ask you if you have a girlfriend. If you say no, he'll say "Well, there's plenty of fish in the sea.....or something like that. Hey, don't look at ME that way! I'm not lonely enough to date YOU! sigh Though, I suppose I could do worse. You DO take pretty good care of me."

We all have a device in our pockets right now that has a microphone, and we can all have fun in public getting weird looks. WE NEED A NEW SEAMAN GAME!!! Preferably as an app on our phones, but I'll take console/pc ports. Whatever gets me talking to a fish.


It's crazy seeing what was just casually acceptable and not at all crazy in the 1980s during commercial breaks.

One of them around the 16 minute mark was basically just a PSA of a woman saying something along the lines of "This christmas, don't do drugs. Don't get drunk.......please stop."

And that was it. Abrupt ending on an absurd message. Just a woman saying not to get drunk or high during the holidays. The end. This during a CHILDRENS TELEVISION CHRISTMAS SPECIALS MARATHON ON CBS!!!

Hey, don't do drugs, ok? Alright, now back to Garfield.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

So, if you've never heard of ReactOS, it's an alternative to Windows, except it's open source, and reverse engineered.

The end result is, if it works on Windows, it works on ReactOS natively.

Now, as you might imagine, there are some issues with this. The most glaring one being that they're currently in the year 2003. That's the level they're at with software. It's not even emulation. It's running the software natively, and it's written from scratch.

But my takeaway is that Linux running windows apps natively would improve people's hesitation to running linux.

Now since ReactOS is FOSS, any improvements made upon it could then be forked over to Linux. And if someone made a ReactOS fork, that isn't linux, that's good too (as long as it stays open source). Any advancements made by this new theoretical fork of ReactOS could ALSO be forked into linux.

Right now, development is slow, because it's a community driven effort without much of a community. If it had a large and engaged community, all legally reverse engeneering the ways of windows? That would allow basically EVERY OS to have FOSS unofficial native windows support.

So I guess my question is, for an OS that's been in development since 1998, why doesn't the linux community embrace ReactOS?


Does anyone know a way to do this? I tried in wine on my raspberry pi, but it didn't work. Tonight I'm going to try one of those Zorin USB things, where you try the OS. Apperently Zorin OS can install windows apps. If that fails, then I'll try wine in Zorin OS.

If that fails....then it's back to the drawing board.


So I'm playing Supermarket simulator. And if you notice TCG Simulator looks VERY similar. That's because it uses the same assets. It looks like it's actually the same shop location, on the same street. But in one game, it's a supermarket, and in another game, it's a card game similator.

But if you look, the neighborhood outside of your walls of your shop all looks very dead. Like you're in a movie set, where the rest of the town is actually just wooden building backdrops.

So I figure, what if each "shop" could be a real shop? You play online, and when you log on, your shop has an individual save data. It gets played on a server, and each server has a different set of shops.

So if you're a retro game shop, you're playing in the lot of land number 14. So when you log on, you're looking for a server that doesn't have anyone playing on land lot 14. That's the retro game shop.

When you log on, you can't have infinate time, since time needs to always be moving for everybody else at the same pace......but time also doesn't stop at 9pm, and the deliveries don't stop either. So at 9pm-8am, you restock your shelves. You order backstock for your storage room.

And the shop right next to your retro games shop? Maybe that's the supermarket. That's land plot 13. And you can go into the supermarket, and you can buy things. Just like real life people can come into your retro games shop and buy things.

There's also NPCs obviously, who would be the bulk of the customers.

But the neighborhood would actually look busy, and alive rather than one guy hanging out on a movie set.

And so, you could play supermarket simulator, and someone else could play TCG simulator, and someone else could play gas station simulator, and someone else could play retro games shop simulator, and when you you play online, you're all on the same server, on the same street, and there could be an actual economy. Customers come in, spend their money on you, you spend some of your money at the gas station. There could be a wholesale simulator, where you play the shop the other shops are ordering from on the market. So like when you order furnature, or things to stock your shop, they have to be in stock at the wholesale simulator. Which means the guy who plays that role, affects ALL the stores on the server. Because if he just lets shit go out of stock, you use the competitor, which is automated, and always in stock, but at higher prices.


Everybody always presents laundromats in tv shows and movies as this sexy place where you meet horny singles who aren't wearing underwear because it's in the wash.

But in real life, that just isn't true. The laundromat has angry people who don't want to be there, and nobody EVER has sex, or takes their clothes off.

So why are laundromats always presented like that?


So in this URL, you can see the 2020 lines for how North Carolina voted. If that's total counted votes after it was all over, then this page will be not so useful until all the 2024 votes are counted.

However, if it ONLY shows early/mail-in votes, then we're in trouble. On almost every state I click the democrats have NOT reached their 2020 numbers, while the republicans are close to their 2020 numbers. In some cases surpassing 2020 numbers slightly.

The context relies heavily on what those 2020 ticks are measuring. Total votes? Or only Early/Mail-in votes?



Wait, is this 2024? Or 2044? SHIT! Wrong year. Wait, so I forget......was trump in 2024 president while in jail? Or was that after the election? Oh, right. I forgot about Joe Biden. Everybody forgot he was president.

Soooooooo, yeah. Buckle up. The 2024 election was just so soooooooooooo stupid! That was the one where trump was talking about Ohioians eating cats, and then going to get press photos working at mcdonalds, and then he gave that microphone a blowjob, and then on election day he called the election rigged before the polls even opened for the day. Then those nude photos of him leaked, with him being face-sat by that Cats broadway acress in full costume, but somehow still nude.......HE'S EATING THE PUSSYCAT!!!

Don't worry, the future is much better. 2044 election is John Cena vs Dwayne The Rock Johnson. The debates are all AI. This is 1000% better than 2024.

Well.......bye. Have fun with your covid post-years.


Every year, we all have to sit there in the chair, gathered by friends and family, as they all sing a song that a stopwatch will tell you lasted 30 seconds, but feels like HOURS.

And the entire time, you're just sitting there like "I'm very aware of my hands right now......where do I put them? What am I supposed to do with my hands right now??? I feel like everyone is judging me for using my hands incorrectly right now......"

And then, your friends birthday is next month, and you have to pretend you're actually singing this song. In reality it's more like a vaguely melodic mumble. Then everyone gets the timing of the name wrong, as if the whole room is remembering their friends name after a momentary lapse of dementia.

"Happy Birthday to........Todd......"

And finally the song is over, and you then spit all over a cake to blow out a cake, that has for some reason been set on fire.

I mean seriously. It doesn't work like this for ANY OTHER EVENT. Even the 4th of July, which is known for drunk uncles blowing their fingers off playing with explosives doesn't have this shit. Nobody on 4th of July is like "Here's your hot dogs.....I took them off the grill, put them in a bun, squirted some mustard and ketchup on them......and then I set them on fire. That's your problem now. You deal with the fire. Spit on everybodies food, and then distribute it by incorrectly guessing how much everyone wants. Be sure to give the fat guy the tiniest portion possible. He doesn't need the extra portions, clearly."

And WHY do we do all this shit to each other? I don't know a single person who enjoys these traditions no matter which side of the candle you're on.

I'm just glad MY family doesn't do the other part, where everybody gives you a spanking. No, please, mom, do NOT engage in sexual fetishes with your adult son! And thankfully my family never has done that. That would be WEIRD.


So the supreme court already ruled the president cannot be held accountable for anyone they kill.

The vice president becomes the president instantly if the president dies.

What is preventing any vice president from waiting until day 1 of their parties presidency, and then murdering the president? And then instantly pardoning themself?

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