Important info not in title or body of post: Mortgage companies are worried that spray foam can cause condensation which damages timbers.
Amazing how the NSA finds every excise to suck possible.
The conclusion is that dogs are good and naked people are complex and nuanced and varied, just like clothed people.
I, personally, have always unironicly liked electro swing.
AI always seems to struggle with people that are different. If you ask it for a person with an expression then everyone in the background also looks that way. Less of a big deal to fuck up than this though.
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend
OP is cringe and vitamin deficient.
I know you are joking but with how dairy lobbies get subsidies from the gov they kind of are making their own demand.
This is high art and belongs in a museum. I'm not joking.
I wonder why low wage workers have such low wages, Mr. Unions-shouldn't-strike-so-hard?
If only? There was a? Way? To?? Help raise? Wages?????
Makes u think
Real talk here, a lack of union power is why people have such shit wages and scabs just undermine union power more and keep wages low by letting companies ignore union demands.
Seeing heathcliff in a heathcliff comic on lemmy is so unusual.