helping people with their problems is quite fun when they are interested
you are getting down votes because the use of the word "adult" instead of "people" can imply that watching other people play games is for children.
Aside from the other scumbaggery that Epic does, if you do wanna play their free games then atleast use heroic so you don't use the wasteheap that is the epic games launcher.
it's like a glorified stretcher
but bullpups are so cool
shows up as pawb instance for me
the ad center in your account would be where you would tweak what kind of ads you get.
It's in data and privacy.
oh is that where that came from
have you made sure your adjustment knobs are as tight as possible?
I found that if I tightened all my knobs to max I could, then leveled by loosening some and adjusting the z offset, it would stay there for much longer.
yes, prager university
Alcafus, chapter 11 - pg33
Ngl, I've never had issues with either for ram. my experience with Firefox is mostly the sameas chrome with ram usage. The main reason Im on Firefox is cause it's been a whole lot more stable for me than chrome.