I don't know. If I were a webdev at Google I would probably be against this nonsense as much as we are here. So I'd implement the most half assed 'blocking' of ad blockers possible knowing that the moron product manager who requested it won't be able to tell.
German here. We do have speed limits on highways. The portions without are often not that long so you rarely get a chance to go truly wild.
Regardless, the highest I usually go is like 180kmh and that doesn't happen very often.
How good is the game at this stage? On Steam deck?
We literally had a coach type woman give a webinar where she spouted all of that crap and a healthy dose of "have you tried not being depressed"?
Luckily we're not in the US and workers dare speak up and raised hell until the company leadership apologized (not that we believe it but hey)
Excuse me what? I'm German and I shower daily. I know nobody who doesn't.
The sheer thought if this makes me slightly panicky. Which I guess isn't rational but yeah I don't think I could bring myself to do it.
Exposing her boebs in public, giving her date a boener.
Disgusting boehavior
I love how in every topic about WFH there's some dudebro going on about the economy suffering due to supposed lessened productivity and I'm like... Why should I care?
He was like the first famous troll
My company subleased 3 out of 4 stories of the office building when they realised most people could happily and effectively work from home. Crazy eh?