It's almost like a club full of insufferable hate-filled assholes can't get along.
There's a character I didn't play for very long that I'd like to play again.
A cleric, but when asked who his deity is, he's pretty cagey. Maybe answers under his breath and coughs over his answer so no one can understand the answer.
He introduces himself as "Pope Hypatious Constantine Driac". ("Pope Driac" for short.) But every time he is referred to by his title, he corrects them, reducing the importance of his position. "Actually, call me cardinal. That's more accurate." "Archbishop, actually." "Did I say 'arch'-bishop? I meant regular bishop. Ha! Silly me."
He has terrible hygeine. And he's always got a runny nose that he's always wiping with his bare hand. And that's particularly gross because he keeps giving people blessings with a gesture that's basically palming (like one might palm a basketball) people's faces with a "bless you my child."
His secret? He's an adherent of a secretive cult dedicated to a god(dess?) of disease/infirmity/plague/sickness. Everything from head-colds to typhoid are sacriments which he believes brings people closer to his god. He actively tries to convert people to his faith, but he believes only an illness (temporary or permanent) may truly convert one, so he's always trying to get others (including enemies while in the heat of battle) sick.
He does know all the healing spells. His order practices by repeatedly infecting themselves with the sickness of the week (bubonic plague, leprosy, maybe this week I'll try influenza) and bringing themselves close to death. But their god isn't a god of death or suicide or necromancy, so they can't have their adherents dying all over the place. They heal their sickness with typical good-aligned-cleric sort of spells soon before death.
Optimally, he'd get spells that allowed him to infect people, but failing that, he could just collect samples of infected stuff in little vials over time. A flake of dead skin from someone with leprosy here. A smallpox-laden scrap of cloth there.
Last time I played him (not in D&D, but rather Lamentations of the Flame Princess), he had a blowgun. And his left arm was traumatically amputated in one of his first combat encounters. He saved the arm in his pack. Right as the next encounter (with lizardmen, I think) started, he said "wait!" in a commanding voice. He promised to show the enemy something grand and wonderful if they'd only give him a minute to show them. He rolled high on his persuasion roll. He withdrew his arm (now quite rotten and gross) from his pack, stabbed it a bunch of times with several darts, and then shot a lizardman with a gross dart with his blowgun. (You have to imagine him doing all this one-handed too. Lol.) Of course, at that point, the combat was back in full swing, but Driac had accomplished what he'd set out to. And of course, the party was all going "what the actual fuck...?"
So, back to the name. "Hypatius Constantine Driac." It's a play on "hypochondriac." No one I played with ever guessed my character was any sort of "plague priest" or whatever. But then again, I didn't get to play him for very long.
"You expected me to grant the letter of your wish in a way that subverted the spirit of your wish or you wouldn't have put 'that works how I expect it to' on the end. I fulfilled your expectations exactly as requested. Having a 10-inch penis on your forehead was exactly the sort of result you expected given how too-good-to-be-true your stumbling onto my lamp was, was it not?"
For real. I've been anxiously awaiting developments, but it seems that no more developments are likely to happen until September.
SFC ("Software Freedom Conservancy") is doing good work on a legal front that may well result in a lot more consumer electronic devices (like smart TVs) having fully FOSS OSs available.
More info at
Aurora is one of those rare artists for whom every song she sings is one of those can't-stop-playing-on-repeat kind of earworms.
So often, "politics" just means "stuff I don't like." People don't think of "stuff I do like" as politics. And that's not a right-wing phenomenon. It's common across the political spectrum.
(This isn't me spouting "both sides" nonsense. The poster in that screenshot is a bigoted dumbass and a horrible human being. I'd have a lot more respect for someone quitting a Pokemon community that was rife with anti-LGBT bigotry even if the reason they gave was "it was too political". It's still frustrating to see the term "politics" (mis?)used in that way by people I otherwise respect, though.)
Everything's politics. "That's too political" is a copout non-statement. Have the guts to say what you mean.
My most played game is probably The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. No idea in terms of how many hours. But I played it, then hundred-percented it (yes I found all the Korok seeds), then the DLC came out and I played that, then I started over in master mode, then I replayed it with mods, then I replayed it with cheats, then I speedran it for like a year.
Remember the "Jitterbug" mobile phone made specifically for older users?
Kindof in the spirit of that.
Don't hide things in a "start menu" or anything like that. No task bar. Just put a small number of big icons on the "desktop". Open all applications in fullscreen. Don't allow two applications to run at the same time. Optimally, the browser wouldn't be as general-purpose as Firefox or Chromium or whatever. No address bar. Just links to a few bookmarked sites. In fact, no home page on the browser would be good. Just make the websites they have available to go to more icons on the GUI's main desktop. Don't make them right-click for anything, only left-click. But make it easy for people's family to get at the guts, including remotely, to customize the experience for the intended user.
Hate to tell you, but a "big ass mouse" is called a "rat".
I believe it. I'm lucky to have been working remotely and able to kinda-sorta keep working (at least enough not to raise suspicions or get fired or anything) once the worst of my long COVID exhausted all my sick days.
I worked flat on my back with my laptop resting on my belly for months and I could barely manage that. So much as tenting my knees would worsen my symptoms which included things like chest pain, heart racing, vision changes, dizziness, light headedness, and lots of other unpleasant and scary things.
Also, if you're one of those assholes who nags folks to turn on their cameras on Zoom meetings, fuck you and the smug fucks from whom you inherited congenital self-righteousness. You have no fucking clue. "Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication." I'd love to, , but I don't think I can get my head that far up your ass with your head blocking it.
(Unless you're required to nag folks to turn on their cameras by your employer, in which case, fuck them and... well, try to go as easy on people about that as you can within your limited sphere of power.)
0% chance you're from the U.S.
(Not a bad thing. Lol.)