[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 50 points 1 day ago

H1B is just corporations trying to drive down tech wages. Things is, the "skilled workers" they get from other countries are often unskilled who just learn as best they can on the job. I deal with one of the big companies that supplies these workers and the vast majority of their personnel are "bodies." You may have 1-2 fairly skilled people leading the team while the rest are folks who can follow a script if it's written well enough... Zero critical thinking or depth of knowledge.

While the short term may seem beneficial on paper, you get what you pay for. You can't fake your way without longer term problems showing up.

It's also another form of job exporting like the manufacturing jobs that corporations got rid of, and we know what that did to the US.

I'm good with a massive reduction on H1B.

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Enshrouded with a friend. It's been a lot of fun. The game mechanics are interesting and I like the variety of things to do.

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 30 points 2 days ago

Donny is a "flag at half mast" kinda guy so this will be a fitting start to a limp 4 years.

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 21 points 4 days ago

So if the left runs to Bluesky and the right runs back to Truth social, poor old Elon will have a pretty expensive ghost town. I feel for him... Poor guy

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 7 points 6 days ago

How dirty was your grandparents' house?


Our solar system mostly revolves around the sun on the same axis (apart from Pluto). Our galaxy does the same (along with other galaxies). Why? Gravity is linear?

Would it matter if we tried to escape the sun's gravity by going "up?"


I've seen many tests (we're talking the average retail 4-drop kits) come up with varying degrees of positivity as a person goes through a bout with COVID.

Once they test positive, it's usually coming up with that T indicator long before the C shows to.

However, I've noticed that even that length of time for the T to show can vary. Sometimes it starts faded and fills in but sometimes the line can go full color as soon as the liquid hits it. Other times it may take a while and come up after the C (once closer to getting over it).

My thought here is the virus particles per million in a person's mucus are fluctuating during the course of their sickness and the more virus particles, the faster that bar is going to pop on the COVID test.

So then, is it stupid to think the faster the T shows up, the more infectious a person is with their coughing/sneezing?

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 201 points 4 months ago

Dude, where the fuck did they find this guy? I never heard of him and BAM...dude is saintlier than most of the Catholic Church.

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 169 points 6 months ago

Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance

That's some Zoolander quality naming right there.

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 184 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Sleepy is the product of much GOP work. Donny needs his own.

Drowsy Don?

Tired Trump?

Comatose comb-over?

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 159 points 1 year ago

Sure isn't profitable from me, I haven't bought shit from them.

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 171 points 1 year ago

You know the class is bad when the substitute is wanting to leave. Them kids are fuckin rotten.

[-] Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world 172 points 1 year ago

I used to want a Tesla. At this point, I'd be embarrassed to drive it.


Those bricks take time.

Simple request (lemmy.world)

Would it be possible to make the NSFW blur customizable? The big red box stands out like a sore thumb and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it a different color or use a graphic or something.

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