No more merciful beheadings? We're going to need more spoons.
In case of stingrays, obviously.
Even if he bathes every day, can you imagine how sweaty that suit must get? He probably does smell like a gym bag.
Looks like AMD has already patched it, also appears to affect older Intel versions of the same tech concept but not current generations.
Only really affects guests in multi tenant hypervisor environments, requires physical access to the hypervisor, requires external physical hardware, requires booting the host with said hardware attached, at some point this level of compromise is already absurd. This kind of research is important and shows that we still need to limit out level of trust with host providers but I don't think anyone needs to panic.
Are they sure it wasn't a pre-existing condition?
Some of y'all are gunna learn today that on this same system there was StarWars Pod Racing, and you could use 2 controllers, one for each engine. You're welcome.
ooh, Electrical Engineer here, I can answer this one!
Requiring the purchase or use of proprietary software or formats to view or submit public records.
Well it's open sauce now.
Finally got them potholes filled.
Wouldn't work anyway, needs a ray gun.
Well the pixel 8 will be supported for quite a while, for now you've tried all the things you can but if you prevent it from updating maybe they'll publically patch an exploit you can use to gain root. I think Verizon in particular does this because they eat a lot of the cost for the phone and lock you into using their network, they want that cost recouped but since they're not legally required to unlock it after they recoup their cost they will do nothing. They should legally be required to allow bootloader unlocking after they stop supporting it but regulators are too busy inventing reasons for us poors to hate eachother.