Maybe, but gen AI produces actually useful, tractable results. That's already heaps more than crypto, which is just techno gambling
Yeah, love all the armchair political commentators on lemmy. I live in Berlin, what's happening in the Neukölln district of Berlin has nothing to do with peaceful protests. It's a whole bunch of "kill all Jews" mixed with a hefty dose of "burn it all!", and somehow it's always a giant mob of violent men in their twenties, who aren't exactly paragon of empathy and diversity, imagine that.
Be that as it may, no government in the world would leave today's events unanswered for.
Yeah, this ain't "dihydrogen monoxide lol11!", hydrazine is really really nasty stuff.
So uh, turns out the energy companies are not exactly the most moral and rule abiding entities, and they love to pay off politicians and cut corners. How does one prevent that, as in the case of fission it has rather dire consequences?
Also a cautionary tale about the effectiveness of external destabilization efforts.
I think burkinis are dumb, personally, but I don't give a damn what people wear. This is just typical ingroup-outgroup postering fueled by a proto fascist government, standard stuff really. Also, hygiene? Bro, it's the ocean, a layer of clothing extra ain't gonna make a difference.
This article has been flagged on HN for being clickbait garbage.
"My consciousness persists" - I'm stealing this.
Not to wake sleeping dogs or anything, but uh I don't see any ads. Where are those ads supposed to be?
Da hält sie doch jetzt schon nichts von ab, mit oder ohne Threads. Und man kann wohl davon ausgehen, dass so ziemlich jede AI Bude das Fediverse abgrast.
I've implemented a few of these and that's about the most lazy implementation possible. That system prompt must be 4 words and a crayon drawing. No jailbreak protection, no conversation alignment, no blocking of conversation atypical requests? Amateur hour, but I bet someone got paid.