[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago

Do.. do you think the people who actually make the game get royalties or something? Bc once the game is made that's it for them lol

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

There's this one McDonald's on this busy road where we live and I jokingly started calling the right lane the "McDonald's lane" because so many cars in that lane were always turning in. I realized earlier this week that these days most cars drive past instead.

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago

We're just money cattle

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You don't even know the half of it, he played this MUD I was really into, his character's name was Vanmar, everyone hated him. Maybe a year or so before the pharmacy story broke he got perma banned from the game (oh god I'm gonna skim over a lot here, bear with me) he bought another player's super high skill character for iirc around 5k, went around bullying people who he couldn't take in pvp beforehand, then got the permanent ban for all of his accounts by forcibly role-playing a blowjob in a public area (a boat I think) on some other dudes character.

That was his second perma ban, he bought his way out of the first one, I don't recall how the first one came about.

Anyway, total twat. If you go deep in a search engine for Vanmar and DragonRealms you might find more info buried, a lot of its been lost to time and he bought one of the popular player forums around the game and locked it up so all that info is just lost.

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

When do we get to blame the shit candidate who lost instead? Bernie didn't ignore and not campaign in multiple states because he thought they were in the bag, that was Hillary. Bernie didn't conspire with the dnc to put up the worse polling candidate because it was "their turn", that was Hillary. Bernie supporters didn't say "we don't need your vote" to the progressive voters, those were Hillary supporters.

This shit makes me want to write Bernie in instead of holding my nose and voting for Biden like I did last time.

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 27 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It was a lot of stuff. I'm still mad about it. Of the top of my head: they very quickly got rid of polling locations in places he was polling high in multiple states after they realized he was doing well and people were standing in line to vote for over 8 hours, they lied about stupid shit like the fake chair throwing thing they made up to make it sound like anyone on his side were violent, they ignored the caucus rules in Nevada where he clearly won based on video at the time, there was more, but it's been a long time and this are just a few examples that cross my mind on occasion

There have been a handful of times where I wish I had just written it down because I see the "I never saw/ heard about this" line often enough.

The DNC admitted collision in court, what else do you need lol

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 55 points 1 year ago

My mom died on the 24th, so Christmas was pretty shit

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

I'm not so sure, I saw this short the other day of this Gen z woman with a caption that said something like "you can tell gen z from millennial by the rise of their jeans" with her wearing mid rise (labeled low) and high rise jeans, and the comments were full of millennial women pointing out that in the 90s the low rise was like way way way low (which they were) or that millennial wore low rise first, or that it was a bad style or whatever input they felt they needed to give

And I realized this Gen z girl doesn't care about any of this, and is actually quite clever, she's just effectively gotten an insane amount of engagement and is positioning herself as an influencer because much of my generation are idiots and are commenting and reacting on her stuff over the rise of pants

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

Republicans have been wild for a long time, these days they're rabid

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Wasn't the idea and origin story of Jesus stolen from previous texts and religions lol

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 15 points 1 year ago

I'm not gonna vote for anyone because I'm way too left to agree with a lot of their politics, I'm just gonna vote against Trump. It doesn't matter who is running against him, I'm not letting that dipshit win again. Or the republican party in general at this point, they've gotten too crazy.

Centrist City here I plod

[-] diannetea@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

Him eating his booger on the debate stage still makes me gag uncontrollably if I see the clip, and if it pops into my head sometimes I'll start gagging, which is pretty much every time I see his name

There are very few things that make me gag in disgust, this one gets me every time

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