[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 125 points 1 week ago

Can they add chromecast as well. Absurd that it's a closed source protocol that still doesn't work well with Firefox and other browsers.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 119 points 1 month ago

Apple quietly introduced code into iOS 18.1 which reboots the device if it has not been unlocked for a period of time, reverting it to a state which improves the security of iPhones overall and is making it harder for police to break into the devices, according to multiple iPhone security experts

Click bait title as always. So yes, your iPhone is mysteriously rebooting. I guess it just isn't that big of a mystery anymore.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 72 points 2 months ago

I think the common incest fantasy in the west isn't too far removed from this too. Like all the actors are above age minimums but they pretend to be step kids or babysitters like these roles aren't commonly associated with children and older teens. It's clearly a form of deflection IMO.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 103 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

This specific talk was about defining shared common interfaces so these different groups could work together and the guy who actually talked him into stepping down essentially said "I'm gonna keep writing C and if that breaks your rust stuff that's not my problem". This isn't about convincing the c devs to write rust it's about convincing them to work together when some of them seem to have made up their mind to sabotage rust support (either through indifference or willful interface regressions). Personally I'm more ashamed what this points to for someone new wanting to come in contribute to Linux.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 80 points 4 months ago

This dude is balls to the wall hilarious. If it wasn't for the fact that he was dead serious about everything he says I might enjoy him as jester.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 118 points 4 months ago

Wow, what restraint. Now I definitely trust this guy who can't even trust himself with highly confidential information and the nuclear codes. /s.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 86 points 4 months ago

It's false equivalence to claim steam has a monopoly when you're literally giving epic a monopoly on your games for financial kickbacks between yourselves that in the best case doesn't impact the user and worst case actively compells them to a much worse platform. What epic and gearbox did is monopolistic, what steam did is just make a good enough product that no one gives a sh*t about EGS. If you want an actual competitive store front, make something your users want, not your business partners. Gog is struggling but it's still my first goto for games because even if it's missing all of steams functionality, it gives me ownership of games that can't just be revoked or broken by publishers. That's a value add I'm willing to pay for. Paying more so publishers can make more money and sell a worse experience through EGS ain't moving me.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 121 points 5 months ago

I don't think vote to obscurity can apply here. Trump will always have a platform because he is a living engagement machine and that drives the Internet mad. He wins he's the top story, he loses he's the top story, he gets convicted he's the top story. The man is immortal in the worst way possible and the world is basically f*cked.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 82 points 9 months ago

after Apple started letting users choose their default browsers on iOS 17.4 in the EU last week.

Lol, srsly, why does anyone use apple devices willingly. Like for work I sorta get it if there's no alternative but it really took government action to compell this extremely basic customisation.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 86 points 1 year ago

Israel at least seems to care about Israelis from my perspective. Hamas just sees Palestinians as collateral damage.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 106 points 1 year ago

Game preservation is dying because of DRM. You want games you can still play in 10 years, pirate that sht and donate to those keeping up the good art of game cracking. It's either that or buying remakes a decade later that are just thinly reskinned. I can live with sht like denuvo since newer games just remove it after a year and then I can buy it. Storefronts like uplay or egs that are dependent on a malignant profit only entity are at best mid-term rentals and at worst spyware you have to pay for the privilege to use.

[-] emax_gomax@lemmy.world 84 points 1 year ago

I read this as grindr loses 50% of its engineering staff because of dumb management decisions. Honestly the RTO was probably just a cop out to their dwindling user base.

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