[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

There is but only on one side and, while I've not personally used it, the size and placement seem to make it more of a cursor aid than something that can be used well in games.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

I totally agree. I want the touch pads so I can play old games that were designed for a keyboard and mouse or a shooter that works better with them. Younger gamers aren't going to want to tinker getting an old game to run and are likely to have been brought up on a controller and don't see it as a hinderance.

That's why I love the Steam Deck, it was built for all the nerds out there and it's fabulous.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

It's hit and miss for me. I remember it being better in previous Android versions and now it's oversimplified.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 35 points 5 days ago

I won't consider these new devices because they don't have touch pads, but if inwas gifted one or had a friend that had one I would definitely recommend Bazzite if they don't play many multiplayer titles.

Great to see it taking off.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

Yeah, at this point it seems the arrangement is that he pays for her studies and lodging in return for doing all the housework.

Whether that's a good deal or not is up to her. I can't see it helping their relationship, but he doesn't sound great in that department anyway.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 56 points 1 month ago

Raise the military spend now. Stop kicking the can. We've helped, sure, but we need to do more.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 116 points 1 month ago

The DNC has a lot of problems and blame to absorb, but at some point we have to look at the electorate. You don't have to read the Sunday newspaper or be politically active to know who is running for president. She had two months to step outside and listen/read almost anything.

She is an ignorant, zero information voter, who is likely just regurgitating what she heard her father or boyfriend say months ago. This is the problem. America is now dominated by zombies with no critical thinking skills who crave being brainwashed by their mobile phones.

I hate to be so negative, but I simply don't see a way out of it. The masses are being controlled more effectively than ever before and I don't see what systemic change could magically appear to change our trajectory.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 49 points 2 months ago

It would win the "will it fit nicely on a keychain" by a landsline.

However I doubt it would suit OP's needs as the contacts are exposed so durability may be suspect, and seeing as it is generic I doubt the performance is up to his standards.


With Chromecasts being discontinued, increase in ads, telemetry, etc I'm wondering if anyone else is going back to old school HTPCs or if they have some other solution to do this in house.

I think the options here are likely:

  1. Rooted streamer (ie Chromecast, firestick)
  2. Android Box
  3. Mini PC

I'm actually most interested in experimenting with #3, a mini PC running KDE Plasma Bigscreen. Most of my self hosted apps can be run in browser windows, and a full desktop (while harder to navigate) is better than the browsers you can get on Android.

What is everyone esle, especially the privacy / de-googled self hosters doing for their media front end?

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago

Android users literally run their lives out of Google Calendar. Think you can share your calendar with a friend from your phone? Think again. It's back to the 10 year old desktop interface for you!

Oh you're not at home at your computer, well, try using the desktop version of Google Calandar on your phone's browser. I dare you.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 58 points 8 months ago

Because the winds are blowing in his favour. Xi (and the rest of the world) have watched Russia take land with little repercussion. The reaction to the invasion of Crimea was mild and allowed for the full on invasion years later. The rules have changed and now leaders are seeing that taking land, which used to be seen as a relic of the past, is back on the menu.

The US and a lot of the west is afraid to get involved and do what needs to be done to stop Putin, and Xi knows that if he waits for the perfect moment Taiwan will be his.

The US is building domestic chip manufacturing in case they lose TSMC, and once it's operational one of the main reasons they consider Taiwan an asset will be gone. Xi likely is hoping the war in Ukraine and Israel will continue and "news fatigue" will render people uninterested in a new conflict. I'm not sure what the final nail will be that makes him move, but a controllable president like Trump getting in is a good bet.


Looking at the charging preferences of the Steam Deck, which from my research wants 45W at 15v/3A, it looks like the larger model should work just fine. And with it being $15 USD / $18 CAD this could be an incredible bargain.

It's so new though I can't find any info on it being used with a Steam Deck. I'll definitely be grabbing one to try, as it would be perfect for my USB hub that sits by the TV.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 47 points 1 year ago

A 100MB file transfer over MMS? I'm not saying you're lying, but recognize that is highly abnormal and most carriers aren't going to support anything near that high. 100MB would be a huge upgrade for most people over MMS.

[-] foggenbooty@lemmy.world 52 points 1 year ago

I don't know what you're talking about. Signal does not use RCS and it is open source.

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