[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 72 points 2 months ago

Probably like a Nintendo Switch


Saw a "deer hearse" sticker the other day. So nice these guys have an outlet to express themselves. Like Lisa Frank stickers.

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 163 points 5 months ago

It’s Illegal to say something like, “I want to kill the president.” Like crazy illegal. It’s ok that I just said it because I was just telling you it’s illegal.

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 65 points 6 months ago

Grifters gonna grift

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 122 points 6 months ago

This is the guy who's dad -- upon hearing that his son shot up a gay club -- immediately thought that his son might be gay and was worried about that, but then was relieved that the son had only killed gays.

GPL + butt hole? (lemmy.world)

License stuff came up the other day. Got me wondering.

Could I use something like the mit or GPL license, but add a requirement that anyone that uses the software had to send me a pic of their butthole?

What is the use case for this GPL + bhole license?

Memes mostly. It world also need to have an age of majority clause.

Then if the library actually gets picked up somewhere it would be a good extortion tactic.

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 61 points 6 months ago

Lol this looks like something the hacker 4chan created as a gatcha for good morning America


With Google podcast dying I'm looking for a replacement.

I'd like to unchain myself from the corpos if I can too. So I'm not interested in another pod catcher that'll just try to monetize me.

Are there are self hosted rss readers with push? That seems like a great solution for pods and just about anything else I might want to keep up with.

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 92 points 10 months ago

Also on top of what other folks are saying, making a complete modern computer is really fucking hard.

No one is making a 3ghz CPU in their garage. Maybe folks are assembling stm32, or pis, or whatever into their own pcbs, but the machines that make the chips just aren't hobby level yet. You just have to buy some stuff.

Maybe that's not your point. Maybe you're okay with the processor being closed because it is fucking hard to make.

Beyond the hardware now we're talking making your own drivers and shit. There are resources out there like zephyr, but there's millions of devices that aren't covered.

Try writing your own SPI interface for an established MCU and a common periferal. Make sure you include crc, don't skip it. Maybe skimp and do i2c. It's fucking hard.

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 94 points 11 months ago

Op isn't answering shit

Just like Linux

For the likely large overlap this audience might have with dnd, it didn't make 100mil a year so it gets to eat shit. It doesn't help that the video game license isn't counted in that total. Other Hasbro brands do make 100mil a year.

I thought magic was one. It is surprising to see layoffs there.

Anyway, of course a corporation does evil shit. The only moral is the line going up.

"They even called me the n word." - Sen Tom Scott, in like a thousand ads this weekend.

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 119 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In spring man built a pillar

In summer another

Throughout autumn they held

In winter, one fell


No shit skip, of course they shouldn't turn the ball over, or get red cards, or what the fuck ever. Passing gas in the bathroom and think it's perfume; literally shitty analysis I just heard on ESPN.

Why don't sports commentators actually break down plays and strategy?

Only one I can think of is jomboy breaks down pitches sometimes. Showed that the pitcher was releasing at the top of the throw for like 4 pitches of sliders then released like 20 degrees sidearm with another slider but because it was released differently it caught the batter and struck them out. Beautiful breakdown and I appreciated the sport and gamesmanship even more.


57 and 63 screaming and throwing things forgetful ... infuriating

Folks shouldn't be forgetting so much it affects their lives at this point. Nor screaming and throwing things. Oof man, genetics are a bitch, get them care (at least checked out) and then get yourself setup as well.


Saying eye doctor in a conversation feels normal. Saying tooth doctor feels like listening to someone who had a bad disco elysium roll and they're punching themselves in the face to get the words out.

Flight stick? (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

Looking to build my own joystick, thinking 6-axis, a hat, maybe a track ball and or a touchpad as well as a throttle axis or two.

Anyone know of any good flight sim type stick prints?

Something like https://hackaday.com/2020/09/03/3d-printed-flight-controls-use-magnets-for-enhanced-flight-simulator-2020-experience/

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