[-] indomara@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

There are so many fetishes and sexual quirks that exist out there, some more niche than others. With very few exceptions I do not think those that enjoy them are weirdos or perverts.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 54 points 5 days ago

I am from the States where circumcision is common, and married an Aussie who is not circumcised.

Yes, there is a difference. In a lot of ways the presence of a foreskin makes sex and foreplay easier. For instance giving a handjob - most circumcised men don't like a hand job that includes stroking the glans without lubrication because it hurts, while a foreskin slips over the glans and allows movement.

Giving head is pretty much the same, though it feels different obviously as there is skin there if the foreskin is not fully retracted.

Having intercourse is easier and less lubricant is needed, because the foreskin stays somewhat stationary during thrusting, preventing things from drying out.

Circumcision is so common in the States that most people there have never even seen an uncircumcised male, it doesn't help that most porn is produced there.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 40 points 1 month ago


It's bad.

Alabama: Inmates that refuse to labor face a range of consequences, including solitary confinement and extensions of their sentences.

Florida: Inmates in Florida are forced to perform labor, often under threat of solitary confinement and beatings. These inmates are not paid for the labor they’re made to perform, and unsatisfactory performance can also lead to solitary confinement. In one instance, a prisoner working as a barber was sent to solitary for dropping a hair clipper, while in another, a woman who suffered a breakdown and refused to clean a set of toilets was beaten to the point of full body paralysis.

Louisiana: Refusal to work can be met with solitary confinement and physical beatings.

New York: The jobs inmates are mandated to work range from mundane ones such as tailoring and taxi driving, to more hazardous ones as lead paint and asbestos removal. Inadequate work and/or refusal to work can be punished with beatings.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 54 points 1 month ago

Remember to vote in all local elections. The more sensible people you get into office the more change you create. Look up all the candidates, even for things like education, water treatment, family court judges.

These are all offices that we vote (or not) into office.

When I went to look at who to vote for in the shitty midwest state I am from, (I am an expat. ) sometimes the choice wasn't clear. Some had no party affiliation, but those who seek positions of power often move on to other positions of power. Starting at the bottom we must vote in good people.

So I looked up their campaign websites or facebook pages, and made my choice from there. Do I want the girl with little background in the subject who has republican affiliations supporting her campaign for the office?

Or maybe the guy who runs free name change clinics for people who need it and works at the local food bank.

The choice was clear to me.

I am sorry fellow Americans. This was an outcome I had greatly feared.

Don't give up.


I love cheeky cross stitch, this was a free pattern found on the DMC website, then I chose a font I liked for the words. I think it came out great!

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 242 points 3 months ago

That is a scam, they probably send mass texts linked to tracking numbers that have a registered phone number.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 60 points 3 months ago

I bought Red Dead Redemption for myself and three friends, super excited about the game, the lore. I had never spent that much money on a game.

We all played through the single player tutorial, and finally into the open world. We meet up and begin exploring and trying to complete quests when suddenly one of us just ... drops dead.

Then another is hit by a meteor and caught on fire?

I am thrown up into the sky.

An alien ship?! Appears and messes with us for a while. I try begging in pub chat for the hacker to please leave us so we can play, which seems to goad them further. This continued for an hour.

A quick look around the internet told us that this was par for the course for RDR and GTA and Rockstar couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it.

We ended up refunding all the games through steam. Sad times.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 77 points 9 months ago

That's the first thing I said when this was first posted, all those people who had the implants that enabled sight are left with no parts and no support since the company went under.

There should be laws in place stating these companies will provide support and parts for the entire life of the users. Anything less is criminal.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 76 points 10 months ago

Honestly, the rules and laws on divorce are so wild across the country. I was married in California but my husband left after 6 months. I hadn't see him in 9 or 10 years, had no idea where he was.

Because I was in the state of Kentucky when I filed, I had to go to a church run "divorce education class" on how to save my marriage and complete a little workbook.

Completely insane class, I stayed in the back and tried to stay silent, but the teacher forced me to participate and asked some leading question about how I could communicate better with my spouse to prevent a divorce or some shit.

Told her I had no idea where my spouse was, that he had left after 6 months and that I had to hire a private investigator (and a police officer!) to serve my divorce papers. The whole thing was nuts.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 236 points 11 months ago

What terrifies me about this is that there are no regulations or laws in place that say how long this tech that is implanted into people must be supported. Those poor people who got the bionic eye implants are now left with no replacement parts or support after the company went under, leaving those with implants that still work seeing with borrowed time.


[-] indomara@lemmy.world 115 points 1 year ago

The worst I have heard was when my husband's old boss was proudly bragging about how he didn't even leave work to be with his wife while she was giving birth to their first child.

He honestly believed that was something to be proud of.

We live in Australia too, so it's not like he had American orphan crushing machine to blame. He was just a horrible piece of shit.

[-] indomara@lemmy.world 69 points 1 year ago

The last sentence is a punch in the gut.

"The girl's father was in prison for a separate sex crime and has no involvement in his daughter's life, Tulsa Police told FOX23 News at the time of the incident."

submitted 2 years ago by indomara@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
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