As someone insecure in their masculinity I don't know if u would use ladybird. Now if it was MANbird I would.
Thanks gay furry hackers
Dear conspiracy theorists
Sorry i called you crack pots. Please pass the foil
And just off camera we have sign interpreters. We wont show them but they are there
Oh cgp grey's favorite won
Yes they do and to a cheryy on top. It does not grant the child the right to sign othet contracts. So they have to get permission to hire a divorce lawyer. American law, American order at it's finest
hey the rest of the american grids are fine. Texas didn't want to follow certain governemnt regulation so they made their own grid.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt
how about we all agree that the best system is american units with metric prefixes. After all it is obvious that it takes an hours to drive 318 kilofeet
Ill get the champagne ready
as a dyslexic person I had to read that 6 times to see the difference.
Isn't it obvious No You're your own grand pa