[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 37 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Isn't Trump just a symptom? What scares the shit out of me, isn't Trump. It's that Americans voted for him once, and a repeat of that shit show is somehow again a possibility. Even 5% thinking that could be a good idea, would be cause for concern. 10% is "what the actual fuck America...".

Remove Trump from the picture, and the issue is still there. The people who would vote for him, and the machinery in place that can convince them of it.

Imagine someone as vile as Trump, but not dumb as a sponge....

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 62 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Until proven otherwise, I assume either ignorance or malicious intentions by those who want to rename these "problematic" terms. It does nothing to improve the actual issues.

The false pretense of having done something, is worse than doing nothing. It's just noise.

To be clear: I don't mind the changing of terms. I'm too old to care about trivial stuff like main vs master. But if the reasoning for such a change is dumb and potentially harmful, you've lost my respect.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 46 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Some years ago ago, I was a happy subscriber to Google Music. But, they added it to the graveyard, and instead grafted on some music playing functionality to YouTube and called it YouTube Music. So, I went back to Spotify.

Then I started paying for YouTube Premium Lite. It wasn't unreasonably expensive, although it was a bit annoying I couldn't just have "YouTube" in the household, like with Netflix. So if wife would cast a video to the TV, it would play with ads.

It was about a year ago, when Google starting cracking down on adblockers, that they also removed an option to pay for the service. I think YouTube Premium Lite wasn't a thing in the US (correct me if I'm wrong), but they removed YT Premium Lite, and the only option left was a twice as expensive YouTube Premium bundle that included YouTube Music.

Tldr: fucked up Google Music, then removed an option to pay for YouTube premium, leaving a fairly expensive alternative with the pile of shit they replaced Google music with. It'll be a rough time if they manage to force ads. I won't pay for it, out of principle.

Edit: I looked at the numbers again. I'd have to pay more for YouTube than for the highest Netflix tier. It's more than Prime and HBO combined. They also don't have to front large sums to fund risky projects. If they didn't include YouTube Music, I might have considered it. But with it, it just pisses me off, they can go get f.ed

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 149 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

To anyone wondering. Sauna boats are not common in Norway. It's not "a thing". Please don't add it to the list of Scandinavian stereotypes 🙏

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 47 points 11 months ago

Can you point to a way in which the actions, policies, or rhetoric of the Israeli government meaningfully differs from those of Novemberpogrome-era (Krystalnacht-era) Nazi Germany?

They spoke German.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Wasn't she also jailed in the US? I never understood why politicians there are allowed to do insider trading. Then again, previous prime minister where im from basically did the same, but said "sorry", so it's cool.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

What the actual fuck.

I'm tired of constantly running in to the basic lack of understanding that LLMs are not knowledge systems. They emulate language, and produce plausible sentences. This journalist is using the output of a LLM as a source of knowledge... What a fucking disgrace this should be for Forbes.

Imagine a journalist just quoting a conversation with their 10 year old, where they played a game of "whatever you do, you have to pretend like you really know what you're talking about. Do not be unsure about anything, ok?", and used the output as a source for actual facts.

If you use ChatGPT, or Bard, or any LLM for anything beyond creative output, or with the required comprehension to vet the output, just stop. Don't use tools you don't understand the function or limitations of.

I've already had to spend hours correcting a fundamental misconception someone got from ChatGPT, which was part of a safety mechanism of medical software. I've also had the displeasure of finding self-contradicting documentation someone placed in a README, which was a copy-paste from ChatGPT.

It's such a powerful tool and utility if you know what it can help with. But it requires a basic understanding, that too many people are either too lazy to make the effort for, or just lacking critical thought processes, and "it sounded really plausible", (the full extent of what it's designed to do) fools them completely.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 62 points 1 year ago

The more accurate description is "Israel's war against Palestine". And, given the power difference and stated goals: "Israel's ongoing genocide of Palestine".

And if you think that it sounds a bit too disturbing, just try to imagine a pile of 4000 children. It might ruin your day.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 41 points 1 year ago

Given that they are committing a war crime against 2 million people, which by some definition can be considered hostages... This is quite rich.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 32 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Here is my opinion on some FOSS software. PS, I'm too old to give a shit about team mentality, I just want stuff to work. Also, my motivation for liking FOSS is not so much "free", but rather "unencumbered and unrestricted shared human technology and knowledge".

  • GNOME, for the hate it gets, it comes close to getting everything right. I'd give it a 95/100 score. Windows a 30/100, and MacOS a 35/100. No verdict/comment on KDE as I haven't used it. I have good reasons for disliking W10/W11 and separate ones for MacOS. As desktop environments, they are both shit for each their own reasons.
  • Blender. 3D/Scultping/Drawing/Video Editing. Aside from Linux kernel, the most impressive and well managed FOSS project there is. I grew up with pirated 3dsmax, and what a dream it would be to grow up today with Blender as it is.
  • Linux as a OS kernel. One can argue about the desktop market share, but people don't know better. They think the software that runs on it defines it. But, there is a reason why 100% of top 500 supercomputers in this world run on Linux. I'd also mention the Arch/AUR community. Doesn't matter if you use Arch or not, arch/aur wiki is a goldmine.
  • Godot: 2D game engine. As a 3d game engine, it's not nearly as good as the non-FOSS competition.
  • Firefox: If it wasn't for Firefox, I don't know what I would do. I don't trust chrome one single bit.
  • Alacrity terminal: I'm sure there are plenty great FOSS terminal emulators, but the built in ones for MacOS and Windows are garbage.
  • Prusa Slicer: I think this one is as good as the commercial counterparts for FDM G-code generation.
  • VLC. Mixed feelings about this one, as I think it's UI is lacking, but since it plays almost everything the UX ends up being great.
  • LibreOffice Writer. Perhaps debatable. But the fact that you can trust LibreOffice to respect and adhere to the OpenDocumentFormat, and equally trust Microsoft Word to deliberately not do so in subtle ways, LibreOffice Writer is ultimately the better software IMHO.

Projects I wish had an edge over commercial proprietary software:

  • Gimp. It just isn't as good, even if you get used to it. Some things, of course, it can do much better (e.g the G'Mic QT filter pack). The lack of non-destructive work flows is the key part that is missing.
  • FreeCAD. It's good, and you can do wonders with it, but oh so rough compared to onshape/Fusion/etc.
  • Darktable. Not as good as commercial counterparts like Lightroom.
  • Kdenlive. Not as good as Davinci Resolve, or the adobe counterparts.
  • LMMS: Not as good as most commercial DAWs.
  • Krita: This one is actually not too far away from being best in class. I still suspect photoshop and has an edge
  • InkScape: A "best for some vector things but not all"-kinda thing. It's FOSS nature makes it the defacto vector editing software for certain kind of makers. But as a graphical vector editing suite, adobe's stuff is just much more solid.

Mobile stuff that I think is better than the counterpart, or at least so good that I don't care if there is a counterpart

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 36 points 1 year ago

Not unusual to teach and preserve the cultural heritage in school.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 36 points 1 year ago

Hopefully we reach the point where we simply don't gaf about anyone's religion or lack thereof. Being offended is on you.

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