One month... I get delaying it, but why not a week instead of a whole month when betas are supposedly over?
There are specific bags for phones, so I assume so.
Using Infinity here and it's very good on battery too. I'm also surprised how smooth and customizable it is.
I tried both Liftoff and Thunder but I prefer Infinity.
Liftoff is good but I'm trying Infinity right now and it's even better imo.
Sync was Reddit for me and I didn't even bat an eye about buying pro at the time (around 3€ I think).
Paying 23€ for ad removal is just being greedy right now, I really want to support the dev but this is just too much.
I didn't have one either, it was just like the image.
Thanks for the info, I was looking for where I could buy Pro (ad-free) and I couldn't find it.
What about dark mode? To me that should be the priority.
Edit: I just noticed that on the new version we will no longer be able to see the sleep stages without premium.
Fitbit/Google is again restricting data behind a subscription, I will move on to Garmin when the update is mandatory.
Nice, I was a bit sad to see such a long list before I could finally try Sync. I guess you work fast though!
Not enough for me ditch Windows and face Linux adversities.