Oh, the irony of this comment. Think about it...
I got into outdoor sports to stay away from gyms. The only exception is I use indoor climbing gyms for training. You should try lake, river, or ocean swimming. I find swimming shore to shore really fun. It's like travelling through the wilderness but with swimming 😁
I ha no symptoms apart from dizziness and weird throbbing feeling in my skull and neck.
I have these right now.for.the first time in a long time, but so far test is neg.
So, what you've realised is no matter what ism or where, people are idiots and love tribes.
Only depends if you like what you do and how personally involved you get with jobs.
I wish the Taliban would just come out of the closet already.
You'll have to hurry up if you wanna beat the corps and govs. Ironic, ain't it?
My friend used to climb massive pine trees late at night in a park across his street, and place traffic cones on top. No one knew who was doing it or why. Many people thought it was the local council marking the trees to be cut down which upset residents. He started noticing police regularly patrolling the area, but he kept doing it and never got caught. It made the local paper, explaining how much confusion and disruption it was causing the police and local council. He hung the article on his wall.
Went on to become a stuntman https://imdb.com/name/nm3068647/
It's from 2019. And, yes, it totally backfired. Even the Bern got on it https://x.com/BernieSanders/status/1126606568454279169?s=20
While he's there under oath, can they get some HL3 info out of him?
As a professional in this field, top reasons would be...
- Dissatisfaction with pay
- Limited/No career progression
- Dissatisfaction with environment/culture
- Dissatisfaction with management
- Poor work-life balance
- Poor job design/expectations of role
- Poor taining quality/knowledge management
- Inadequate tools/systems
Edit: I should also point out we have about half a dozen ping-pong tables scattered around my work and our turnover figures were bang on average for annual benchmarking against the sector. I consider the average too high, though, and will be targeting better retention over this year. We'll need at least double the amount of ping-pong tables.
OC literally talking about stopping doing the thing they do to get in shape, because of other people being dicks. You attempting to defend those people's actions, as though OC—the one who is aware of etiquette so all can enjoy—is somehow the one who's against people getting in shape.
You have defended the baddies by using the good guy's point, entirely too focused on gaslighting with it to realise. This, ironically supporting behaviours that stop people from exercising.