[-] solrize@lemmy.world 4 points 4 hours ago

I want to know how they got the nuke stuff in the first place. That's potentially much more disruptive than any number of drug deals.

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 4 points 15 hours ago

I think it is best to have some understanding of how an OS works, and how Python works, before asking whether you can write an OS in Python.

Python is basically a scripting wrapper around a bunch of C functions ("builtins") and there are means of installing additional C functions if you need them. Without any of the builtins, you really can't do much of anything. For example, "print(2+2)" computes the string "4" (by adding 2+2 and converting the result to decimal), then calls a builtin to actually print the string on the console.

For an OS, you will need quite a few more C functions, mostly to control timers and task switching, the main functions of an OS. Given enough C functions though, in principle you can write an OS.

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 29 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Wait, what? Article says the guy had real plutonium. That is scary. Quantity is not specified though. Also doesn't say where the plutonium came from. He also had a bunch of what sounds like non-fissionable uranium and thorium. They hype that up some, but it is less of a threat.

Why is this on /nottheonion?

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

Nice try, Special Agent Hnp.

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 0 points 3 days ago

I know perfectly well what breadboards are. I even remember the Continental Specialties brand. They have power supply strips, like the ones on the edges in this pic. You connect power there.

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 12 points 3 days ago

You mean RPL? There are lots of interpreters for that already. That's the sort of thing to write because you want to write it, not because other people want it, unless you're part of a community that is asking for it.

If you just want to implement an interpreter because language implementation interests you, I suggest Lisp or Scheme rather than something like RPL. The book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" explains how to do that and it is great. You can read it online at mitpress.mit.edu/sicp .

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by solrize@lemmy.world to c/android@lemmy.world

Basically I've acquired a burner Android 8 phone and am running the target.com app which is the only way they let you get parking lot delivery at the store. I assume the Target app is spyware. I keep the phone powered off almost all the time which should limit the spying. The thing is, if I power up the phone and order something, then close the app, I still get an alert when the status of the order changes (e.g. it's ready for pickup). So the app is still listening for network traffic from Target.

Can anyone explain what is happening in Android and whether there is a way to make an app really stop? Does the app stay in a running state even after I've closed the UI part of it? Is there somethng like an inetd in Android that listens for network alerts and re-launches the destination app? Are there Android app permissions associated with this, that I can revoke?

I don't want to run this type of app on my main phone, but I had at first liked the idea of using a burner for such things. Now, though, I wonder if I need a separate burner for each suspicious app. Thanks.

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 159 points 1 month ago

Tldr: Verisign, the registrar of the .com tld. They have been jacking up domain prices.

submitted 1 month ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/android@lemmy.world

People keep mentioning GraphineOS as a reason to buy a Pixel, but in other regards the Pixel hardware doesn't seem so great. If you get a different phone that can run Lineage, is Graphene really better? Thanks.

submitted 2 months ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by solrize@lemmy.world to c/android@lemmy.world

Samsung Galaxy XCover Pro 4G. From 2022 but there are newer models. So stop saying HUR HUR WATER RESISTANCE when people ask for phones with swappable batteries. This shows it can be done.

Edit: was $120, now sold out.

submitted 2 months ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Is it ok? Is there something else you recommend instead? I tried nextcloud talk and it was pretty bad. Jitsi was ok but self hosting it looked complicated. FOSS only, of course.

Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app? (blog.cryptographyengineering.com)
submitted 4 months ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Blog post by crypto professor Matthew Green, discussing what Telegram does (I wasn't familiar with it) and criticizing its cryptography. He says Telegram by default is not end-to-end encrypted. It does have an end-to-end "secret chat" feature, but it's a nuisance to activate and only works for two-person chats (not groups) where both people are online when the chat starts.

It still isn't clear to me why Telegram's founder was arrested. Green expresses some concern over that but doesn't give any details that weren't in the headlines.

submitted 5 months ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

Basically more everything. 2x Cortex M33 cores with floating point, 520KB ram, more PIOs, bunch of secure boot stuff (I have mixed feelings about this), and can boot to a mode with risc-v cores instead of the M33s.

submitted 6 months ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

It's a pain that search results on lemmy show by default ordered by some useless relevance ranking. I can't think of a single time I didn't want newest first. I couldn't find a preference to request that. It would be great if there was one.

The suggestion on c/support on lemmy.world was to make this kind of request on github, but it seems anti-FOSS to me to require a Microsoft account for a fediverse request, so I'm posting here and hoping for the best.

Thanks for any consideration!

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 166 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Worst possible experience, not hardly. He mailed the thing and tried to track it, and it didn't work. When I saw "worst possible experience" I expected a swat raid or something. This is 2024, and if all that goes wrong with a new tech gadget is that it doesn't work, that's literally a nothingburger. At least give us some battery explosions or something.

Obligatory: https://biggaybunny.tumblr.com/post/166787080920/tech-enthusiasts-everything-in-my-house-is-wired

submitted 7 months ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

Example (spam post containing an amazon affiliate link, post hopefully deleted by now but I assume mods/admins can see it): https://lemmy.world/post/15846936

Also there are tons of links people post legitimately but have tracking parameters, gclid=this, fbclid=that, etc. Those can be cleaned up too.

By editing out these parameters automatically when the link is posted, people's privacy can be protected and the incentive to post affiliate spam can be decreased.

It could be a server config parameter and/or put into the posting UI: "your post contains [link] with flagged parameters, choose between a) post cleaned up version (shown), or b) post link without changes (may go into moderation queue depending on community settings)."

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by solrize@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Voyager 2.3.1 on Android. I visit a community and select "hide read posts" and those posts disappear a they should. But there is no apparent way to undo this. The pulldown still has "hide read posts" instead of "unhide" them.

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 161 points 10 months ago

Just build phones with the understanding that batteries are consumables and make them easy to replace and standardized. Then swap in a new $5 battery when you need to so. Make the raw materials reclaimable too of course.

[-] solrize@lemmy.world 389 points 1 year ago

Swappable batteries in mobile phones.

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