[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 93 points 1 month ago

Well, it was the birthplace of t_d... not like it didn't have lots of right wing voices before.

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 56 points 2 months ago

ITT: none of the power posters I was thinking of. Suspiciously silent now, eh?

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 178 points 2 months ago

The grain on the image is a nice touch.

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 238 points 2 months ago

Everything changed. You're not crazy. If you watch movies made before the 2000s about office culture, including the movie 9 to 5, you can see that the hours included a lunch break. Which was paid.

Yes, those of the older generation had it easier in every way.

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 77 points 3 months ago

I know you guys may think this is silly but cave ecosystems are so fragile. Yes you are damaging it by just being there but they have weighed the risk vs obligation when it comes to National Park accessibility and decided that limited guided tours were an acceptable sacrifice to enrich the lives of the general public.

This is devastating and feels terrible. Don't take food inside a cave. Many caves have lockers outside. Don't eat inside the cave. Keep your bag zipped until the end of the tour and carry it in front of you NOT ON YOUR BACK.

Ugh I want to slap this person who had an entirely preventable "accident" but they probably didn't even get a ticket.

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 80 points 3 months ago

Jesus fucking christ is it just open season on women all the time there?!

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 58 points 5 months ago

Is this something people do? I thought I was accidentally on some niche hobby community but I think this is aimed at a general audience.

What kinds of things do you inventory? Everything? Electronics? Furniture? You mentioned pantry?

I hope I don't come off condescending I'm genuinely confused rn.

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 49 points 8 months ago

I don't like your relative. Providing comfortable care of elderly and end of life pets is to be expected when you adopt an animal, even if it is difficult.

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 76 points 9 months ago

I believe the prevailing opinion is that it is subtly intentional but has more impact than intended because it is a reflection of the indoctrination of the writers, but I may be mistaken.

It may be created to intentionally teach children not to fear police and to obey the rules of society. Which sounds good on paper but can be really problematic.

It's not just Paw Patrol. It's every cop show that has messages of the cops always being on the side of "good". There are many many many articles and academic papers about "copaganda" that explain it better than I can.

[-] weariedfae@lemmy.world 61 points 1 year ago

Having looked at sand under a microscope for many, many hours: kinda? These images are not just heavily curated but arranged. Yes I've had a bunch with random shell fragments and forams SOMETIMES but notice in those images the pieces are carefully spread out?

Most clean sand looks like the bottom right two images but even those are already filtered for interest. I have a bunch of stuff that looks like the bottom middle photo, which is a contentinal glacial sand deposit that is sorted by wave action to have more heavy minerals (pink garnet, black probably magnetite, a splash of green epidote and white qtz splashed in there). It's usually a thin THIN layer found on some beaches. It's like a "pretty" sand people know about and not indicative of the vast majority of sand.

Most sand even in a variety of environments is quartz and random lithic (rock) fragments.

I get a little annoyed when these images (usually the top 3) are shared and layman say, "look at how beautiful ALL sand looks! Appreciate the micro world blah blah some inspirational quote." It's straight up misinformation but because it's "just sand" most people don't care.

I care. Regular sand IS pretty and it's neat to look at for a little bit. Stop making sand feel bad with unrealistic beauty standards :p.

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