[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 231 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

When someone says "He's an unbelievable genius," I now understand that the person speaking is either a con artist or a gullible idiot. Unbelievable geniuses don't exist, there's just specialists, people who get lucky, people who work hard. So if you're saying someone is such a genius, either you have no metric by which to measure genius, or you're selling something.

“I think Cullen made the Satoshi accusation for marketing. He needed a way to get attention for his film.”

Cullen is absolutely selling something: he's selling his documentary.

The various denials and deflections from Todd, [Cullen] claims, are part of a grand and layered misdirection.

Smells 100% like bullshit. I had no take on this documentary one way or the other before, but now I'm very skeptical.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 179 points 5 months ago

She was ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR CALIFORNIA how the fuck would that insult ever, ever stick? Literally the general of all the lawyers. lmfao

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 193 points 5 months ago

No she didn't.

Elon Musk is what he always was. He wants you to scapegoat his daughter because that's easy for him. He's a piece of shit entirely on his own, don't blame her for his vile nature.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 170 points 5 months ago

600 miles? Call me when they make one small enough to fit in a car


[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 232 points 5 months ago

Starting to think the reason Elon opposes the "woke mind virus" is not because his daughter is trans, but because he keeps getting owned so fucking hard by her


I'm an immich user, switching from a standard u/p login to an SSO-based login.

I've tested the SSO login successfully, it seems to work, and I'm not having any issues with that.

However, the account generated by SSO login has a different email address and identifiers from the account I created earlier. I don't want to start from scratch with my photos, as I've spent countless hours updating metadata.

I think I need one of the following:

  1. a supported, tested way to merge an account with another account. I don't know if this is going to be similar to the "partner sharing" feature. I don't want to simply share the photos, I want to have full control over them; including, if I delete a photo, it's gone forever.
  2. a tested way to manually update the database to change all identifiers over to the new account
  3. a way to login to the existing account via my SSO portal. I can create any SSO user I want, for example.
  4. a way to export the entire library with metadata and re-import it to the new SSO account, structured exactly the same way. Ideally this would also restore anything ML has done with my photos, but it's not a disaster if I have to wait for ML to recreate what it already did in the new account.

Does anyone have information on how to achieve one of the above?

Followup question:

  • can anyone confirm with certainty that metadata changes I made in immich have been saved in the image files in /library/upload/*? I am already making backups (both pg_dump and the entire contents of the library), but it would be nice to know where the metadata is actually kept, in case I have to do DR.
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by xantoxis@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I've been on Tidal for years, but it's frustrating to use for lots of reasons (they only pay their artists slightly better than Spotify, streaming services are flaky, works poorly with my DLNA home speakers). I'm looking for something I can selfhost with the following features, and I would appreciate any suggestions in this direction:

  • integrates with downloading services (nzbget and qbittorrent; or better yet prowlarr)
  • has a suggestions/radio/mix feature, or integrates well with something that does. I currently use jellyseerr for other kinds of media, so something in that vein.
  • has a mobile app which lets me download all the tracks I want, or integrates with one that does. Big bonus points if the mobile app can play to DLNA speakers.

A bit about my lab:

  • Proxmox-based, lots of VMs and containers on 2 different cluster nodes. Lots of underprovisioned RAM in the cluster. Nodes run Fedora and I'm partial to quadlets, but I can convert anything to a quadlet if I need to.
  • Airvpn port tunneling is available to me.


[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 252 points 6 months ago

Watermelon and chicken were two of the ways that black people started supporting themselves after being freed from slavery. They were agricultural products they could raise with very little investment and start building wealth from essentially nothing. Racists, not wanting them to prosper, mocked them for their preference for these things, but it's important to note that the mockery didn't stop them from supporting themselves with the foods they were able to produce. To this day black people enjoy these foods, and there's nothing wrong with them enjoying the foods. If you're with your black family, and you want to celebrate your own heritage, this isn't actually a bad way to do it.


When a corporation, particularly a corporation run and staffed by white people, makes a choice to celebrate a significant black cultural date by presenting people with foods that white people used to mock black people, it reads as mockery. (This is especially true in North Carolina, a place where racism is rampant and open.) At best, this is tone deaf; someone along the way should have said "hey, do you think any black people will feel like you're doing this as a racist attack?" And if any one of them had answered "yes" to that question, they wouldn't have done it. It made it through the pipeline to being something they actually did because nobody in the decision chain cares about the racist overtones of what they were doing.

If you're going to do anything to celebrate black history or black culture, failing to ask any black people what they think about it is racism. Cultural sensitivity would have meant getting some input from a few black folks about how they think it should be celebrated--and, had they done that, they would have avoided this mess.

And, just in case anyone was wondering, the VP in charge of this situation is white.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 276 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's true, the fact that we never drew and quartered this guy does seem like a failure of our responsibilities

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 219 points 11 months ago

“Whoever did this does not understand that stealing newspapers doesn’t stop a story,” she told readers in her email.

This story was already lowkey national news but now it's going to go nuclear. Whoever stole the papers, what a complete moron.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 242 points 1 year ago

This argument did not go well

You can't convince people to do their job with logic when they just don't want to do their job. After minorities, the thing cops hate most is doing their job.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 206 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't know whether valve has violated anti-trust law or not, and I certainly don't think gaben deserves any more protection from covid than the general public but;

this is a stupid ruling. Why on earth can't he appear remotely, as he requested? They can't "adequately assess his credibility"? Are they gonna have an FBI body language expert on hand? Check his forehead for sweat droplets? There's nothing they can ask him in person that they can't ask him over a camera.

Feels like the plaintiffs are doing some kind of lowkey spite thing here, and I'm surprised the judge played along.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 198 points 1 year ago

> she continues talking to him anyway because she really only cared that he's white

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 250 points 1 year ago

He finally figured out how to exit

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