Komi can't communicate?
Yes everyone has this drawer
I suppose so, I've never considered others probably browser different than me
You don't need to join any communities to see them
Sorry, I just don't think it's him, different backback straps and pockets where there weren't any before, this is turning into another Boston bomber misidentification. But this time it's the NYPD instead of reddit making the mistake
If there's no secrets then there shouldn't be any problem with ad blocking
Oh so it's like most bethesda games then
Do you really think any average citizen has any say in this whatsoever?
Did some digging, guess who runs bestreamwise.com? Give you a hint, it starts with C and rhymes with omcast
I could see it, aren't women the biggest consumers of literary porn? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but every girl I know loves her smut and will fight you about it
You know that’s actually not the craziest hypothesis
My family tries to talk political shit with me, I just stop them right there and say "I don't wanna talk politics" if they press it, I walk away mid sentence, they're family, you can be obtuse to them.