Typing too fast again, LOL. I really need to slow down.
God can see you. You better not be committing any sins out there.
if you're talking about text, then deaf rhymes are going to in a very special category. If you ignore the pronunciation, you're going to find all sorts of interesting rhymes here and there, but they will only work on paper. Also, a deaf poet would miss countless genuine rhymes that just happen to have messy spelling.
In other languages with a more sensible spelling system even deaf people can write poetry that could potentially be appreciated by everyone. English is such a train wreck, that deaf poetry becomes a very special case.
See also: The Chaos, by Gerard Nolst Trenité
Wait, what? People wait at the border?
Normally, you just drive through without thinking about it. Later, you realize from the traffic signs that you must already be in the other country, and you missed the border again.
We haven’t even figured out what qualifies as consciousness and what doesn’t. Studying something that’s not clearly defined won’t be easy. Also, we might be thinking about it in the wrong way, asking the wrong questions and using the wrong words.
I think it's also about the surprise of something violating the pattern. That's why jokes are entertaining too. When crafting a joke, you need to build some expectations and then break them all of a sudden. Music has patterns and moments that break those patterns to an extent, so why wouldn't the same thing apply here?
Music also has this borderline magical property of manipulating human emotions. People listen to sad music to feel sad or angry music to feel angry and so on. I think that sort of thing is another reason why music is so popular.
It works! I typed in "blockbuster" adjusted upload time filter to "today" and started scrolling. Just scroll past anything that is less than 1 h long, and you'll find movies pretty easily.
Before long, I found a few movies that had very special names like: "Rotten Tomatoes Full Movie | Blockbuster Movie 2025 | Action Movies Hollywood 2025 in English 2160p" or "60's Sci-fi | The Day Mars Invaded Earth | Full Movie". I also tried a bunch of other related keywords like: "movie", "hollywood" and "scifi". Surprisingly, finding bollywood movies is very easy.
The only problem is that you'll never know what you'll find. If you want to watch jurassic park, you could search for "dinosaur movie", but I couldn't make that work. Searching by genre seems to work reasonably well, but you need to get creative with the keywords.
When you do find a movie, copy the name into a text file and start collecting these silly names. Pretty soon you'll notice which words appear frequently, so start searching for those. There's no single universal word that always works. Here's are a few words that seems to work for me: Rotten Tomatoes, Full Movie, film, blockbuster, action movie, hollywood, 2160p, adventure, Thriller, mystery movie, free movie
Suddenly, printing stuff has declined in popularity when you could just have all the data with you in your phone. Don’t even have to be stored locally when you can access the cloud instead.
For me, it was notes, calculations, and having access to the necessary information for making the two.
I might be sitting on the train, looking out the window, zoning out, and suddenly I start thinking about the melting point of tungsten. I begin to wonder how much power an arc furnace would draw while melting tungsten, and could you keep one running with just solar power. How many panels would you need at this location? I have so many questions, and most of them involve calculations.
You can imagine how glad I am that I don’t need to carry a calculator and a bunch of books with me.
Yeah, USB-C standard can get complicated, and in demanding cases it causes problems (especially C-C video cables). I advise solving those issues by labeling your special cables clearly and keeping them separated from all the other random cables you use for charging purposes.
Most people don't face these issues very often because they don't use cables for transferring data between a phone and a computer. If you really need to transfer video files from your phone all the time, it's a clear sign you should have bought a proper camera - probably a microphone and lights too.
Good news. Can’t wait to get rid of all the archaic cables and adapters I still have left from the bad old days. Really looking forward to using my existing C cables for a very long time.
I was unable to find anything better than The Chaos. Not really written by a deaf person, but the idea is still similar. Some parts of the poem look like they should rhyme, but when Lindy actually pronounces the words, you'll be disappointed to find that they don't.