[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 2 points 20 hours ago

And why would paving the entire green space not be worse than only paving the paths people walk on?

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 4 points 3 days ago

You're sure, but you don't have a source? Aren't you just spreading misinformation, then?

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 3 points 4 days ago

You don't need billions of dollar to make a rocket, you need them to make them work reliably and safely. If all you want to do is to move in the general direction of space, the requirements are much lower.

Source: Played KSP.

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 29 points 4 months ago

Are we sure we can call that targeted pharmaceutical advertisement? It sounds like it could just be the algorithm accidentally discovering a correlation between expecting mothers and preference for unscented hand creams and such.

Unless Amazon did specifically program that in, I think these accidental correlation is not something you can control before it happens and trying to regulate them would be a waste of time and resources.

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 30 points 5 months ago

I think that's just how the shooting stance works. Hooking your hand in your pocket prevents it from moving and messing with your aim.

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 28 points 7 months ago

Hard to argue with them not wanting to support a browser that only makes up 3.3% of browsers used worldwide. Actually, it's probably not even their decision, but the decision of some higher ups that want to save development or software cost.

You might try convincing them by polling how many people in your company wants to use Firefox, though. There could be a significant enough proportion of you guys that do.

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 59 points 8 months ago

Can you tell me how being overly critical of India as a country is the same as being racist towards Indian?

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 25 points 8 months ago

There was only one claim being called a Russian propaganda, and that is the warning from US.

Why don't you disprove that instead of acting like an idiot and copy pasting some tired old troll comments?

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 45 points 8 months ago

No, he's calling the story Russian propaganda.

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 21 points 9 months ago

People used to think their lives are over if they were caught alone with someone of the opposite sex they're not married to. That is no longer the case in western countries due to normalisation.

The thing that makes them want to die is societal pressure, not the act itself. In this case, if societal pressure from having fake nudes of yourself spread is removed, most of the harm done to people should be neutralised.

[-] stephen01king@lemmy.zip 49 points 11 months ago

Being able to supply another country with weapons and ammunition while keeping enough stock for your own military is not the definition of a self-sufficient military, though?

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