What you're describing is the Laicité that is a cornerstone of French politics and promotes state institutions free "from" religion, not just freedom "of" religion.
I would just laugh.
Sure, it would be criminal and shit, but when has russia last cared about any of that UN funnyspeak?
Bon apetit, China.
Shame, innit? They could be the n1 Solar panel producers per capita and panel exporters...oh well. This is why the charge against fossil fuels has to be led by net consumers (in the name of defense against geopolitical risk) and the producers will inevitably reduce extraction for export...but local consumption of coal probably will never disappear completely unless locals complain about air pollution and lag in exportable tech.
4th baltic state.
For anyone who is interested in a detailed view of these stats worldwide in real time and cross-border with carbon intensities and individual breakdowns by electricity source: https://app.electricitymaps.com/map/72h
huh, we wasn't cynically posturing for election purposes, he really wants to die on this hill :/
Who could have predicted this???
That's one of the things I love in lemmy. Moderation transparency.
The other day I visited youtube without any add-ons and concluded I'd rather do anything else than use youtube under those conditions.
Antitrust comes in waves in the US. First, it's a free for all to let the tech develop freely...then you see the horrors and a time of antitrust kicks in. This would be the 4th wave since the Sherman Act. Let's hope it's a good one.
I'd rather have him tried and imprisoned at the Hague. He destroys institutions. Institutions must destroy him in the end, not guns.
PS: and before the tankies rush in with their whataboutisms: Sinwar, Netanyahu and Dubbya should be made an example of too.
Might as well call themselves Gilead too.