She is probably looking at you with that exact smile behind you right now.
What is Colombian schadenfreude?
I totally failing to understand all the acorn references. What is going on.
What’s wrong with that.
Upwards and onwards!
Not sure if I would have wanted to "explore the known world". Seems like there was a lot of dying and killing involved.
They will be ready when there are no indigenous people left.
Because the people settle there. The land was "empty", like it was "empty" for the settlers in the Americas. See first synonym below.
settler: noun a person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area. "the early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution"
synonyms: colonist, colonizer, frontiersman, frontierswoman, pioneer, immigrant, newcomer, incomer, homesteader, habitant, redemptioner, squatter
Don't use Brave.
I almost don’t dare to say this, but I’ve been running the snap for more than a year and have no complaints.
Proud Dutchman standing next to you, feeling fucking ashamed.