I'm one of the people that canceled when they announced they were going to be putting ads in prime. I'm doing just fine without it.
It's the reason we are all here...
Once I found 7zip, WinRAR was obsolete. Lately though I've just been using the built in extractor in Linux because it works just fine.
I just stopped going to places or using services that expect me to tip. I hate the idea of tipping.
All corporate landlords need to be dissolved. It shouldn't exist. People should not be able to make profit off of housing ever.
It's always confused me how someone that believes in a religion can be a scientist. They directly contradict each other. It just makes it sound like people are in denial.
Nobody is buying so let's increase the price. Makes a lot of sense. Good job guys.
If you stop using Instagram, then you won't have to worry about it.
On the surface this might sound silly but after looking at the chocolate it's straight up false advertisement. They know people will buy it specifically because of the way it looks. It's bait and switch.
I see this as a win. It's absurd that anyone can own the term Taco Tuesday. It's literally a noun and a day of the week
Let's not forget that Guinness World Records is known for giving out records without fact checking.
You heard it here folks. Microsoft says if you find something online, it's free.