Idk, I still think information wants to be free. If you figured it out just farting around, sophisticated malevolent actors are likely already doing similar things. Might be better to let the genie out of the bottle, so people can learn to be skeptical. Deep fakes are optimally effective when a majority still accepts the veracity of images as an article of faith.
it believes that to “categorically condemn the use of AI writing tools” is both “ableist and classist”. (The implication that working-class people and people with disabilities can only write fiction with the help of generative AI, however, is apparently A-OK.)
nothing about their initial statement implies that the poor and disabled need to or can only use AI. This sort of bad faith discourse irritates me. It's a deliberate attempt to discredit those espousing an opposing opinion. It's manipulative and intellectually dishonest.
Really, you already use gimp, but not linux?
Is this just referring to the firefox sync feature? I love being able to access tabs from my laptop on my phone and vice versa.
Hacker news isnt an appropriate forum for most questions tho, that one is valid
One of my favorite things about vinyl is having to flip the record over. I think it demands more active and respectful listening.
I hate to sound like an elitist asshole, but i really dont want to read posts or comments from people who only used threads prior to discovering this community. I am in one Facebook programming group with good posters, but the overwhelming majority of them are low effort crap.
It bothers me when OO doesnt stand for "object oriented"
I never got into Spotify. Soulseek is all I need.
this response is based on the few paragraphs available to non medium members
The second paragraph mirrors my experience with coding to a tee. I may have forgotten to turn off the oven while i was absorbed in Pycharm at least once, and ive certainly given a triumphany "fuck yea" with a raised fist worthy of a freeze frame ending to an '80s film upon succesfully accomplishing a task.
During a recent difficult time in my life, learning to code was the only activity i found that gave me substantial relief from the stress.
I fucking love halloween. If this is true, it's one of the few redeeming aspects of USA culture.