that my grandparents remembered middle ages or even the dinosaurs
As found on some archived geocities site
2008 will be just a little slump compared to the upcoming crash. hope this time we'll end up with a "burn down the wall street" movement, not "occupy wall street"
can't wait until some stupid website commits a self-pwn by making such stuff an XSS vector
This is a centralization problem. Come and force federation upon my SimpleX server in Iceland!
and therefore scales terribly ;;
I mean, correcting a LLM until it spews out something that mostly works is just good old shotgun debugging, prove me wrong
getting into power in corporate env usually takes fairly strong narcissistic traits so no wonder such control freaks will try to abuse their power to micromanage the "human resources"
Fucking newspeak. Corporate media must die
Why are they even still pushing that nonsense when flatpak at least somewhat gets closer to getting bwrap implemented right?
Good for you